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王德章,1951年出生,黑龙江哈尔滨人,1991获中国社会科学院研究生院经济学博士学位。现任哈尔滨商业大学副校长、教授,博士生导师,黑龙江省学位委员会学科评议组成员,黑龙江省重点学科带头人,部级有突出贡献的中青年专家、国务院特殊津贴获得者,中国市场学会、中国商业经济学会常务理事、特约研究员及学术委员。黑龙江省、哈尔滨市政府科技经济顾委会商务专家组组长、副组长。主要研究领域是市场理论与产业发展战略、中国零售业发展与管理、区域特色经济发展与公共选择政策等。先后主持、完成国家社会科学基金、国家自然科学基金、国家科技部、国家教育部、国际合作项目、省部级课题20余项。其中《粮产区实施价格收入保护政策调动农民积极性问题研究》、《加入 WTO 后中国绿色食品出口发展战略研究》、《21世纪市场营销人才培养的研究》等项目获省部、级优秀科研成果一、二等奖(7项);在重要学术期刊《财贸经济》、《中国工业经济》、《中国软科学》、《中国流通经济》、《学术交流》等发表论文50余篇,出版教材、专著等6部。王德章教授坚持理论研究为政府和企业决策服务,提出很多有决策参考价值的学术观点和政策建议: Wang Dezhang, born in 1951, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, 1991, received a Ph.D. in economics from the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He is currently Vice President, Professor and PhD supervisor of Harbin Business University, a member of Heilongjiang Provincial Academic Degrees Committee, a leading academic of Heilongjiang Province, a middle-aged expert with outstanding contributions at the ministerial level, a recipient of special allowances from the State Council, China Market Institute, China Business Economics Association executive director, special researcher and academic committee. Heilongjiang Province, Harbin City Government Science and Technology Economic Advisory Committee Business Expert Group Leader, deputy leader. The main research areas are market theory and industrial development strategy, development and management of retail industry in China, regional economic development and public choice policies. Has presided over the completion of the National Social Science Fund, the National Natural Science Fund, the National Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, international cooperation projects, more than 20 provincial-level issues. Among them, “research on the pricing policy of grain-producing areas to mobilize farmers enthusiasm”, “research on the development strategy of China’s green food after China’s accession to the WTO”, “research on marketing talents in the 21st century” and other projects won provincial and ministerial excellent scientific research achievements First Prize and Second Prize (7 items); published more than 50 papers in major academic journals such as “Finance and Trade Economy”, “China’s Industrial Economy”, “Soft Science in China”, “Circulation Economy in China” and “Academic Exchanges” , Monographs and other 6. Professor Wang Dezhang adheres to theoretical research for the government and business decision-making services, put forward many academic ideas and policy recommendations for decision-making reference value:
在“2 11工程”、“985教育振兴行动计划”、“国防重点学科建设计划”及“北京市重点学科建设计划”等学科建设中,以“先进制造技术学科群”、“机械工程基础学科平台”、“