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修养,指培养高尚的品质和正确的待人处世态度,求取学识品德之充实完美,培养完善的人格,使言行合乎规矩。自我修养是指一个人按照一定社会或一定阶级的要求,经过学习、磨练、涵养和陶冶,为提高自己的素质和能力,在各方面进行的自我教育和自我塑造,是实现自我完善的必由之路。自我修养的过程是个人道德修养能力培养和自我道德完善的过程。修养非常重要,从古至今,一直是我国德治的思想基石。《礼记·大学》言:“大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善……欲明明德于天下者,先治其国;欲治其国者,先齐其家;欲齐其家者,先修其身;欲修其身者,先正其心……自天子以至于庶人,壹是皆以修身为本。”这里提出了“修身”的概念,并与“正其心”相联系,而且明确指出从国君到普通百姓都要把修身作为最基本的要求。孔子说:“修己以敬;己修以安人;修己以安百姓。 Cultivation refers to the cultivation of noble character and correct attitudes towards others, seeking to enrich and perfect the knowledge and morality, and cultivating a sound personality so that the words and actions are in accordance with the rules. Self-cultivation refers to a person in accordance with certain social or class requirements, through learning, honed, conservation and cultivation, in order to improve their own quality and ability, in all aspects of self-education and self-shaping, is the only way to achieve self-improvement . Self-cultivation process is the process of individual moral cultivation ability and self-moral perfect process. Self-cultivation is very important and has been the cornerstone of our rule of virtue since ancient times. ”Book of Rites University“ words: ”University of the road, in the Ming and Germany, in the People First, in the best of flagrant ...... To Mingde in the world, the first rule of their country; want to rule their country, first Qi their home ; Want to be their home, first repair their body; want to repair their body, the first heart ... ... since the Son of Heaven and the common people, one is all self-cultivation. “Here proposed ” Slim “ Concept, and with ”heart and soul “ linked, but also clearly pointed out that from monarchs to ordinary people should cultivate as the most basic requirements. Confucius said: ”Cultivating oneself to respect;
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