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面对新形势下的教育理念改革与当前的社会经济局势,高职英语教学在许多方面存在着亟待完善与改革的地方。本文着重描述了现在高职英语教学方面的一些弊端,并在此基础上,提出一些相应的改革方法,分析如何加快高职英语教学改革的步伐。 Faced with the reform of educational philosophy under the new situation and the current socio-economic situation, there are many areas where vocational English teaching urgently needs perfection and reform. This article focuses on some shortcomings in current English teaching in higher vocational colleges. On this basis, some corresponding reform methods are put forward to analyze how to speed up the reform of English teaching in higher vocational colleges.
条条大道通罗马,赚钱的路子千万条,就看你能不能找得到。大钱并非人人都能赚到,倒不如—— Road to Rome, the road to make money 10 million to see if you can find it.
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