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深水勘探自1975年至今已发展40余年,其勘探发现历程总体可划分为起步阶段(1975—1984年)、早期阶段(1985—1995年)和快速发展阶段(1996年至今)。目前深水区已成为全球油气勘探的热点和油气增储上产的重要领域之一。40年来全球深水油气大发现主要沿“三竖两横”五大深水盆地群分布:(1)大西洋深水盆地群的石油重大发现主要集中在南段的巴西、西非和墨西哥湾,天然气主要在北部的挪威西海岸;(2)东非陆缘深水盆地群则在鲁武马盆地、坦桑尼亚盆地等发现一批巨型天然气田;(3)西太平洋深水盆地群油气大发现主要集中在中国南海和东南亚海域;(4)新特提斯深水盆地群总体富气,天然气重大发现主要集中在澳大利亚西北陆架和东地中海;(5)环北极深水盆地群目前仅在巴伦支海获深水油气大发现。全球深水石油资源主要集中在大西洋中、南段;天然气资源分布相对广泛,主要在大西洋深水盆地群北段、东非深水盆地群、新特提斯深水盆地群、环北极深水盆地群。未来全球深水盆地勘探存在“两老四新”六大领域,“两老”领域为大西洋深水盆地群和东西走向的新特提斯构造域深水富气盆地群,二者勘探程度相对较高,但潜力仍然很大;“四新”领域包括盐下和超深水区等深层新领域,以及环北极深水盆地群和滨西太平洋深水盆地群,新领域将是今后深水油气勘探的主要领域。 Deepwater exploration has been in development for more than 40 years since 1975, and its exploration discovery process can be generally divided into the initial stage (1975-1984), the early stage (1985-1995) and the rapid development stage (1996-present). At present, Sham Shui Po has become one of the hot spots in global oil and gas exploration and an important area for oil and gas production. In the past 40 years, the discovery of large-scale deep-water oil and gas in the world mainly lies in the distribution of five deep-water basins: “(1) the major discoveries in the deep-water Atlantic basins are mainly in Brazil, West Africa and the Gulf of Mexico in the southern segment. (2) East African marginal deepwater basin group found a number of giant natural gas fields in the Luwuma basin and the Tanzanian basin, etc. (3) Large-scale discovery of large-scale oil and gas in the deep-water basin of the Western Pacific mainly concentrated in the South China Sea and Southeast Sea ; (4) the overall abundance of Neotethys deepwater basins; significant discoveries of natural gas are mainly concentrated in the northwestern Australian Shelf and the eastern Mediterranean; (5) the deep-water ark basin group is currently only found in deep-water hydrocarbons in the Barents Sea. The global deep-water oil resources are mainly concentrated in the middle and southern Atlantic Ocean. The natural gas resources are relatively widely distributed, mainly in the northern part of the Atlantic deep-water basin, the deep-water basin in East Africa, the Neos Tethys deep-water basin group and the circumpolar deep-water basin group. In the future, the exploration of deep-water basins in the world will be in the six major areas of ”two old four new“ and the ”two olds“ in the deep-water rich basin of the Atlantic Tectonics in the deep-water basins and east- Relatively high potential but still great potential. ”“ Four new ”areas include deep new fields such as salt and ultra-deepwater areas, as well as the Arctic deepwater basin group and the coastal western Pacific deepwater basin group. The new field will be the future deepwater oil and gas The main areas of exploration.
慢性阻塞性肺疾病(Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD)并发自发性气胸是内科常见急重症之一,起病急,病情进展快,易引起严重的呼吸衰竭,临床表现缺乏特异性,如不及时
目的:探讨螺旋CT检查在急性胰腺炎(acute pancreatitis,AP)诊断中的应用。方法:对在2008年5月~2010年5月入住我院、且经临床诊断的68例AP患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,并对其CT表
目的:观察舒利迭吸入治疗稳定期慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD)患者临床疗效及血清可溶性细胞间粘附分子-1(sICAM-1)和可溶性E-选择素(sE-SLT)水平