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“当PC已成往事”——在“后PC时代”的聒噪声中,这种论调颇为时髦。去年初国际PC市场的“乍暖还寒”似乎将“丧钟为谁而鸣”的疑问提早摆在了众多PC厂商的面前:早春二月,康柏的销售量增长4.3%,但收入下降17%,PC的平均价格降到961美元。惠普的销量增长26%,而销售额仍原地踏步;IBM“割肉”杀价,销售额增长15%,但8900万美元的税前损失覆水难收。对于传统PC厂商来说,生存还是死亡?这是个问题。正当人感到“黑云压城城欲摧”时,突然出现了“甲向金鳞开”的希望,韩国三宝在美国刮起的低价旋风愈演愈烈,iMac倡导的时尚个性及与Internet的无缝连接使苹果公司起死回生;Dell、gateway的直销模式取得了商业上的巨大成功……与国际市场日益接轨的中国PC市场显然受到了“西风东渐”的影 “When the PC has become a thing of the past” - in the “post-PC era” noise, this argument is quite fashionable. At the beginning of last year, the international PC market seemed to be “warmingly cold”, and it seemed that the question of who was the bell of the death knell was placed in front of many PC manufacturers: In early February, Compaq’s sales volume increased by 4.3%, but revenue dropped by 17%. %, the average PC price dropped to $961. Hewlett-Packard’s sales increased by 26%, while sales remained in place; IBM’s “cutting meat” bargain price, sales rose 15%, but the pre-tax loss of $ 89 million overwhelmed. For traditional PC manufacturers, survival or death? This is a problem. When the right person felt that “black cloud was pushing the city to destroy”, suddenly there was a hope of “A to Golden Scale”, and the low-priced whirlwind that South Korea’s Sambo whipped up in the United States became increasingly fierce. The iMac promoted the fashion personality and seamlessness with the Internet. The connection has brought Apple back to life; the direct sales model of Dell and Gateway has achieved great commercial success... The Chinese PC market, which is increasingly connected to the international market, is obviously influenced by the “Westwind East”.
这一款由艾崴公司所推山的elink 1394接口卡,是为了让使用者能够自行添加IEEE 1394接口,而不必大幅度更换原有碍的硬件设备所设计的产品。 This elink 1394 interface card,
华康公司推出的便携文件软件“DynaDoc,使电子文件得以跨计算机平台、跨语种、跨应用软件在网上直接传送,方便了广大计算机用户。 Huaycom’s portable file software “Dyn
商场如战场,在日益激烈的主板市场上,各厂商为了生存而各施奇招,各知名的主板生产商,面对激烈的市场变化,用一种积极的态度来面对这一切,接受这种新的挑战。 Intel是行业标
全军政治工作会议通过的《决定》为新时期加强部队和国防后备力量思想政治建设指明了方向。结合民兵工作“一线指挥部”的实际,我有以下几点粗浅看法。 要研究新情况。思想