中共重庆市纪委 重庆市监察局 关于涉及危害社会稳定违纪违法行为的党纪政纪处分暂行规定(摘要)

来源 :中国监察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flyingship23
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为增强各级党组织和党员、干部维护社会稳定的政治责任感,以严明的纪律规范约束党员、干部的行为,确保西部大开发战略的顺利实施和重庆市经济社会的全面持续发展,重庆市纪委、监察局制定了《关于涉及危害社会稳定违纪违法行为的党纪政纪处分暂行规定(摘要)》。现摘登该规定的主要条款,供各地参考借鉴。———编者 In order to enhance the political responsibility of party members and party members and cadres at all levels in maintaining social stability, and to discipline party members and cadres with strict discipline, ensure the smooth implementation of the strategy for the grand development of the western region and the overall and sustainable economic and social development in Chongqing Municipality, the Chongqing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection , The Supervision Bureau formulated the Interim Provisions on the Disciplinary Discipline and Administration of Discipline and the Discipline Violating the Laws and Regulations that Violate the Social Stability (Abstract). Now pick the main provisions of the provisions for reference around the reference. ---editor
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