嘉兴市人民政府 嘉兴军分区关于公布2016年度征兵工作先进的通报

来源 :嘉兴市人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xipuwa
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嘉政发〔2017〕16号各县(市、区)人民政府、人武部,市政府各部门、直属各单位:2016年,各地、各有关部门坚决执行上级和市政府、军分区征兵命令,坚持以提高兵员质量为核心,以国防部“五率”量化考评为抓手,强化组织领导,严格标准条件,积极完善政策,圆满完成了新兵征集任务,涌现出一批先进单位和个人。为树立典型、鼓励先进,促进全市征兵工作健康发展,决定对下列20个单位和33名个人予以通报。一、先进单位(20个)(一)先进县(市、区):海宁市、平湖市、秀洲区。(二)先进镇(街道):南湖区余新镇、凤桥镇;秀洲区新塍镇;嘉善县开发区(惠民街道)、大云 In 2016, all localities and all relevant departments resolutely implemented the order for conscription of the higher authorities and the municipal government and the military sub-district, insisted In order to improve the quality of soldiers as the core, the Ministry of National Defense “five rates” quantitative evaluation as the starting point, and strengthen organizational leadership, strict standards and conditions, and actively improve the policy, successfully completed the recruitment of recruits, emerged a number of advanced units and individuals. In order to establish a typical, encourage advanced and promote the healthy development of the city’s conscription work, it was decided to notify the following 20 units and 33 individuals. First, advanced units (20) (A) advanced counties (cities, districts): Haining City, Pinghu City, Xiuzhou District. (II) Advanced Towns (Streets): Yuxin Town in Nanhu District, Fengqiao Town; Xindu Town in Xiuzhou District; Development Zone in Jiashan County (Huimin Street)
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2016年4月7日,美国国防部副部长罗伯特·沃克专程飞赴俄勒冈州波特兰市,参加了一艘全新无人驾驶技术验证艇的命名仪式。当天,随着美国国防高级研究计划局(DARPA)局长阿尔提·普拉巴卡尔将一瓶香槟酒掷向艇首,“海上猎手”(Sea Hunter)无人艇首次公开展示在世人面前,标志着“反潜作战持续追踪无人艇”(ACTUV)计划结束了原型艇的建造工作。对此,沃克在致辞中表示,这艘无人艇所采用的技术代表了
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农机安全监理的对象绝大多数是分散在农村个体经营的农机手,他们一般素质低,法规观念淡薄,怎样在这样—个分散经营的特殊群体中开展百日无事故竞赛活动呢? The vast majorit
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