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一部理想的古汉语字典(或词典),应该是形、音、义三者兼备,释义全面,义项排列有序,例证准确、明白,但要产生这样一部字(词)典又谈何容易,即使像《汉语大字典》这样一部代表我国古汉语字典编纂水平的巨著,在这些方面也留下了很多的缺憾,特别是义项排列往往零乱无序,各义项之间缺乏有机的联系,不能昭示古代汉语词义发展、演变的过程,已成为当今古汉语字典编纂工作中的一个通病。虽然这项工作十分烦难,但是进一步提高古汉语字(词)典的编纂水平,就必须攻破这道难关。从事古汉语研究工作的朱峻之教授有感于此,从古汉语中挑选了具备四个以上义项的多义字(词)165个,运用新的辞书编纂方法,对入选各字(词)逐一进行全面的训释,著成近50万字的《字义源流详释》一书。作者希望该书能够昭示其设计的新的辞书编纂方法的科学性和先进性,以引起更多同仁来改进目前古汉语字(词)典的编纂方法,提高编纂质量。该书已由黄山书社出版。该书的特色主要表现在全面系联词义,探索建立古汉语词义系统主面。作者首先从分析古文字 An ideal ancient Chinese dictionary (or dictionary) should have both form, tone and meaning, with a comprehensive interpretation, orderly arrangement of righteousness, accurate illustration, and clear understanding. However, it is easy to say that such a word (word) Even a masterpiece such as the Dictionary of Chinese, which represents the compilation of ancient Chinese dictionaries in our country, leaves many defects in these aspects. In particular, the arrangement of righteousness is often disorderly and disorderly. There is no organic connection between the various meanings and can not The process of developing and evolving ancient Chinese semantic meaning has become a common problem in the compilation of ancient Chinese dictionaries. Although this work is extremely troublesome, it is necessary to break through this difficult time to further improve the compilation level of ancient Chinese words and phrases. Professor Jun-Zhi Zhu, who is engaged in the study of ancient Chinese, has the feeling that there are 165 polysemous words (words) with more than four senses selected from ancient Chinese, and the new words are compiled one by one using the new dictionary compilation method A comprehensive interpretation of the book, with nearly 500,000 words “source meaning” in a book. The author hopes that the book will be able to make clear the scientific and advanced nature of the new dictionaries method it has designed so as to attract more colleagues to improve the current codification methods of ancient Chinese words and dictionaries and improve the quality of editing. The book has been published by Huangshan Publishing House. The book features mainly in conjunction with the full meaning of the word, to explore the establishment of ancient Chinese word system main surface. The author first analyzes ancient writing
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