
来源 :民族语文 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meiwanmeiliao2
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本文认为,我国少数民族情况大致可分为三类:第一类是有传统文字或民族文字问题已经得到满意解决的;第二类是无需创造新的文字,可借用其他民族现成文字的;第三类是需要创立发达程度不同的不同层次的文字的。世界上一些民族借用拉丁字母解决了自己民族的文字问题,苏联的一些民族借用俄文字母解决了自己民族的文字问题,我国的上述第三类型的民族完全可以采用常用汉字并辅以拉丁拼音方案的办法解决自己民族的文字问题。一个时期以来人们对方块汉字的性质和作用估计不足,因而在解决少数民族文字问题上未能让它发挥应有的作用。现在到了重新评价方块汉字的性质和作用的时候了。在解决少数民族文字问题时,我们不一定要循规现成模式,而应开拓适合我国国情和现实情况的自己的道路。 This paper argues that the situation of ethnic minorities in our country can be broadly divided into three categories: the first one is the problem of having traditional or ethnic characters satisfactorily solved; the second one is that there is no need to create new words and borrow the existing ones of other ethnic groups; The third category is the need to create different levels of development of different levels of writing. Some ethnic groups in the world have borrowed the Latin alphabet to solve the problem of their own nationality. Some ethnic groups in the Soviet Union have borrowed the Russian alphabet to solve the problem of their own nationality. The third type of ethnic group in our country can use commonly used Chinese characters together with the Latin Pinyin Scheme Approach to solve their own national language problems. Since a period of time, people have not been able to estimate the nature and function of block Chinese characters and therefore have failed to give due effect to the problem of minority languages. It is time to reassess the nature and role of the block kanji. When solving the problem of ethnic minorities, we do not necessarily follow the existing model but should develop our own path that suits our national conditions and reality.
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