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中共大东区委党校按照年初的工作安排,于2004年7月16日召开了“理论研讨会”,这次会议,既是中共大东区委党校科研工作的小结,也是科研成果的展示和队伍的大练兵。今年上半年,中共大东区委党校教师深入基层,围绕全区工作中心和“四区”目标,围绕影响区域经济发展和社会进步的“汽车产业发展”、“领导干部执政能力建设”、“社区服务体系建设”等热点难点问题,撰写论文(调查报告)13篇。中共大东区委党校新一届领导班子组成后,重视科研工作,重新调整了科研工作规划,加大了对科研工作的投入,使科研工作呈现出重视、广泛、提高三个特点。本刊首期“区县(市)党校论坛”栏目,选登了他们的部分研究成果。今后我们将不定期的选登一些区县(市)党校的科研成果,以此推动区县(市)党校科研工作创新高。 Party School of CPC Dadong District Party Committee convened a “Theory Symposium” on July 16, 2004 in accordance with the work arrangements at the beginning of the year. This meeting not only serves as a summary of the scientific research work done by the Party School of the CPC Dadong Party Committee, but also as a display and team of scientific research achievements Big training. In the first half of this year, the teachers of party schools of the CPC Dadong District Committee went deep into the grassroots level to focus on the work centers in the region and the targets of “four districts”. Focusing on the development of the automobile industry, the construction of the governing cadres' ability, Community service system construction “and other hot and difficult issues, writing papers (survey report) 13. After the new leadership of the Party School of the CPC's Dadong District Party Committee is formed, it attaches great importance to scientific research and readjusts the planning of scientific research work. It has increased its investment in scientific research so that scientific research shows great importance and has three major characteristics. The first issue of ”district (city) Party School Forum" column, selected some of their research results. In the future, we will carry out scientific research results of some district (city) Party schools from time to time in order to promote a new high level of scientific research at Party schools in districts and counties (cities).
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