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目的分析昌平区7起手足口病暴发疫情的流行特征及实验室检测结果,探讨有效的预防控制措施。方法采用回顾性调查及描述性分析流行病学方法,标本检测采用RT-PCR方法。结果 7起暴发疫情均发生在托幼机构,共报告病例103名,平均罹患率为7.44%,公立园罹患率低于民办园,差异有统计学意义(χ2=40.09,P<0.05),病例以2~4岁幼儿为主,均为轻症,首发病例所在班级病例较为集中,2家公立园控制效果较好,B园防控措施落实不到位,C园老师对手足口病认识不足,G园晨午检流于形式。咽拭子标本肠道病毒CoxA16及EV71均有检出,阳性率为50%。结论托幼机构手足口病防控应以早介入,防止续发、暴发为重点,加强民办园的管理,加强晨午检,对疫情早发现、早隔离是预防控制手足口病疫情的关键环节,7起暴发疫情的优势株为CoxA16,探讨手足口病的影响因素及切实有效的防控措施,推迟、减少甚至杜绝手足口病感染蔓延,减少发病和暴发是今后的工作重点。 Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of 7 cases of hand, foot and mouth disease outbreaks in Changping District and laboratory test results, and to explore effective prevention and control measures. Methods Retrospective investigation and descriptive analysis of epidemiological methods, specimens tested using RT-PCR method. Results Seven outbreaks occurred in nurseries. A total of 103 cases were reported, with an average attack rate of 7.44%. The attack rate of public parks was lower than that of private park (χ2 = 40.09, P <0.05) The majority of children aged 2 to 4 years old were all mild. The first case was more concentrated in the class. The control effect of the two public parks was better. The prevention and control measures in the park B were not implemented. Park G morning check flow in the form of. Throat swab specimens enterovirus CoxA16 and EV71 were detected, the positive rate was 50%. Conclusion The prevention and control of hand-foot-mouth disease in nurseries should focus on early intervention, prevention of recurrence and outbreaks, strengthen the management of private parks and strengthen morning lunch inspection. Early detection and early isolation of the outbreaks are the key links in the prevention and control of HFMD , 7 outbreaks of predominant strains of CoxA16, to explore the factors affecting hand-foot-mouth disease and effective prevention and control measures to postpone, reduce or even eliminate the spread of hand-foot-mouth disease, reduce the incidence and outbreaks is the focus of the future work.
目的 评价广西针具交换项目通过影响注射吸毒人群高危吸毒行为达到预防艾滋病传播的效果. 方法 选择吸毒较严重的2个市(县/区)的针具交换点作为研究现场,采取面对面访谈的方
目的 了解广西男性HIV阳性吸毒者艾滋病相关知识、吸毒行为、与配偶或固定性伴的性行为情况等,为制定针对性防治策略提供科学依据,以更好地控制艾滋病经吸毒和性行为传播. 方
目的 了解某中医学院学生的结核病知识和态度,为结核病防治工作提供依据. 方法 采用分层抽样的方法随机选择某中医学院600名学生作为调查对象,应用自填问卷的方式,进行结核病