今年8月,陕西省汉中地区中、西部连降暴雨,造成了多年不遇的洪灾。在这人民生命财产受到严重威胁的时刻,汉中地区广大消防干警挺身而出,奋勇抢险。他们想受灾群众所想,急受灾群众所急,受到了广大群众的热情赞扬。据不完全统计,全区在抗洪救灾中共出动消防干警9 24人次,救出被围困和落水群众97人,把7百多名受洪水威胁的群众转移到了安全地带,抢救
In August this year, heavy rainfall continued in the central and western parts of Hanzhong area in Shaanxi Province, causing a flood that hit many years. At a time when the people’s lives and property are seriously threatened, the vast majority of fire-fighting officers and police officers in Hanzhong Region have come forward and are boldly fighting for danger. They wanted the people affected by the disaster to think they were urgently affected by the disaster and praised by the enthusiasm of the broad masses. According to incomplete statistics, a total of 9 24 fire-fighting police officers were dispatched in flood-relief areas to rescue 97 bereaved and overwhelmed people and transferred more than 7 people threatened by the floods to a safe place.