全面加强综合治税 切实推进委托代征——长沙市芙蓉区五里牌街道办事处综合治税工作回眸

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长沙市芙蓉区五里牌街道地处长沙火车站繁华地带,车站中路连接南北,五一大道横贯东西,交通方便快捷,商业繁荣兴旺,人居环境优越,发展前景广阔。办事处立足街情,以加快转型创新发展为着力点,突出发展创新型经济、服务型经济、绿色型经济,紧扣“项目强街、招商兴街、三产立街”的发展思路,以改造促开发,以开发促三产,以三产促繁荣,积极建设大项目、培育大总部、构建大平台,吸引了大批产业层级高、辐射面广、综合效益显著的知名企业和品牌落户辖区,为五里牌街道的经济社会发展注入了新的活力,进一步繁荣了火车站、袁家岭两大商圈,街道目前已成为芙蓉区CBD的前沿阵地、长沙市的门户、湖南省的窗口。街道现有纳税行为的单位563个,其中企业461家,个体经营户102家。作为中心城区街道,对区委、区政府的主要贡献来自经济发展带来的税收收入。从当前经济业态来看,批发零售业、交通运输业、现代服务业、楼宇企业等第三产业经济的税收额达到87%以上,年纳税额在50万元以上单位的税收贡献占比较大,国税、 Changsha Furong Wulishe Street is located in the bustling strip of Changsha Railway Station. The middle of the station connects South and North, and the Wuyi Avenue runs through the east and west with convenient transportation and commercial prosperity. The living environment is superior and the development prospects are bright. Offices based on the streets, to accelerate the transformation and innovation as the focus of development, highlighting the development of innovative economy, service-oriented economy, green economy, closely linked to , To promote the development of reform and development to promote the production of three products, three products to promote prosperity, and actively building large projects, nurturing large headquarters, build a large platform to attract a large number of industries with high levels of radiation, significant comprehensive benefits of well-known enterprises and brand settled Jurisdiction for the Wuli Street economic and social development has injected new vitality and further prosperity of the railway station, Yuanjialing two major shopping streets, the streets have become Furong District CBD frontier position, the gateway to Changsha City, Hunan Province, the window. The street has 563 tax-paying units, including 461 enterprises and 102 self-employed households. As the central city streets, the main contribution to the district government and district government comes from the tax revenue brought by economic development. From the perspective of the current economic situation, the tertiary industry economy such as wholesale and retail trade, transportation, modern service industry, building enterprises and so on has achieved a tax revenue of more than 87% and the annual tax contribution of more than 500,000 yuan accounts for a large proportion of tax revenue. National tax,
目的 :研究氧化亚氮吸入分娩镇痛的效果和对母儿的影响。方法 :随机地选择 6 0例产妇作为观察组 ;5 0例产妇作为对照组 ,对照组除不给氧化亚氮吸入外 ,其他产科处理措施与观
“有实力 ,才有魅力”。创建于 1985年的福建警官学校 ,以“敢为天下先”的胆略与气魄 ,坚持“改革才有出路 ,发展才是硬道理” ,通过深化办学机制改革 ,提出了“深化改革 ,