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今年初,广东省罗定市在镇村换届选举工作中,从实际出发,对选举工作进行了有益的尝试,大胆地安排镇村换届选举同步进行,取得了很好的成效,体现了加强党的领导,充分发扬民主和严格依法办事的统一。罗定市是地处粤西的一个县级市,全市24个镇324个村(居)委会.总人口1080236人。今年上半年,该市的镇人大、村委会相继任期届满,根据广东省和云浮市的统一部署.罗定市迅速把换届选举工作摆上党委、人大重要议事日程,加强领导,精心组织。然而,罗定作为云浮市人口最多的一个县级市,随着经济社会的发展呈现出新的特点:一是外资企业和私营企业从业人员多,广大农民纷纷外出打工,流动人口日益增加,人户分离现象日趋严重。二是农村人口占66.7%,从事农业生产人员多,镇、村选举工作时间上与农村春耕春播农忙时节相冲突。三是镇级人大换届选举涉及面广,法律性强,镇人大与村民委员会的换 At the beginning of this year, in the general election of towns and villages in Luoding, Guangdong Province, from a practical point of view, it conducted a useful attempt to elect the election and boldly arranged the election of the general election for the towns and villages in a synchronized manner with very good results. This shows that strengthening the party Of the leadership, give full play to the unity of democracy and strictly in accordance with the law. Luoding City is located in a county-level city in western Guangdong, the city’s 24 towns 324 villages (neighborhood) committee. The total population of 1080236 people. In the first half of this year, according to the unified arrangements of Guangdong Province and Yunfu Municipality, the town’s people’s congress and village committees have successively expired, and Luoding City promptly placed the work of general election on the important agenda of party committees and NPCs, strengthened leadership and carefully organized them. However, as a county-level city with the largest population in Yunfu City, Luoding presents new characteristics with the development of economy and society: firstly, there are many employees in foreign-funded enterprises and private enterprises, many peasants have gone out to work one after another, and the floating population is increasing day by day Household separation is worsening. Second, the rural population accounts for 66.7% of the total number of agricultural production personnel engaged in town and village election work time and rural spring plowing spring farming season conflict. Third, the town-level people’s congress general election involving a wide range of strong law, the town people’s Congress and the village committee change
武汉新芯集成电路制造有限公司在3月的Semicon China上公布了新的企业识别标志与名称,英文简称XMC。XMC于2006年作为附属代工厂成立,2013年正式独立运营。公司计划面积531亩,
4月29日,在湖北省庆祝“五一”国际劳动节暨表彰劳动模范大会上,省委副书记杨永良代表省委省政府作了重要讲话,他高度评价了劳动模范的崇高精神,指出: On April 29, in Hube