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2001年6月下旬,渤海海域。风紧浪急,波涛汹涌。辽阔的海面上,一艘艘新型潜艇吞波吐浪,一枚枚新型鱼雷翘首待发。某潜艇支队组织的一场波澜壮阔的海上实兵演练在这里拉开帷幕。广阔海域,云飞浪卷。“敌”舰艇编队进入我潜艇伏击海区。两艘潜艇先“敌”发现后,以迅雷不及掩耳之势发起先“敌” In late June 2001, the Bohai Sea. Wind and waves, rough. On the vast sea, a new submarine swallowed waves, a new type of torpedo eagerly awaited. A surge of submarine detachment organized a surge of maritime soldiers opened here. Broad sea, clouds fly waves. “Enemy ” naval formation into my submarine ambush the sea. After the discovery of two submarines first “enemy ”, launched the first “enemy ” by lightning speed,
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The 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) held in 2003 set the task of promoting the reform of China's judicial system, a task seen as of
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记者近日走访了南海舰队某扫雷舰大队,也随着大队官兵的回忆走进了战场、坟场、死亡之海,也了解到了他们在海战场上一步步跨越的情景…… Recently, the reporter visited