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根据OECD国家1980~2012年面板数据,构建了跨国回归模型,对社会保障水平与经济发展阶段之间的相互关系进行了实证分析。社会保障水平与经济发展阶段存在同步协调性,社会保障水平与人均GDP呈现倒U曲线变动规律。社会保障水平与失业率、公民政治参与程度、人口老龄化正相关,与政府税收收入占GDP比例负相关。基于跨国回归模型,测定了2000~2050年中国社会保障水平模拟值和适度水平。社会保障现实水平显著低于模拟值和适度水平下限,表明现阶段社会保障水平与经济发展协调性较差。为此,提出中国社会保障水平应与人均国民收入同步增长、提高真实就业率、加快完善收入分配及社会保障制度等政策建议。 According to the panel data of OECD countries from 1980 to 2012, a cross-country regression model was constructed, and the correlation between social security level and economic development stage was analyzed empirically. There is simultaneous coordination between the level of social security and the stage of economic development, and the law of inverted U-curve changes in the level of social security and GDP per capita. The level of social security is positively related to the unemployment rate, the degree of civic political participation, and the aging of the population, and is negatively correlated with the government tax revenue as a percentage of GDP. Based on the cross-country regression model, the simulated value and appropriate level of social security in China from 2000 to 2050 were measured. The actual level of social security is significantly lower than the simulated value and the minimum level of moderate level, indicating that the current level of social security and economic development coordination is poor. For this reason, it puts forward some policy suggestions that the level of China’s social security should be increased simultaneously with the per capita national income, the real employment rate should be improved, and the income distribution and social security system should be perfected.
<正> 党的十一届三中全会以来,随着改革、开放方针的贯彻.经济体制改革不断深入,财政改革进展较快。十年的财税改革,大大增强了我省的经济实力。1979—1988年财政收入每年平
【正】 科学技术的飞速发展,已将人类社会带入了信息时代。实现社会经济、社会生活的信息化是这个时代的客观要求。经济发达国家的历史向人们表明:信息化的程度越高,生产的效
小学英语课堂教学效率的高低,学生的学习兴趣起着决定作用。教师在课堂教学中应采用多种教学形式相结合来培养学生的学习兴趣,提高课堂教学质量。 The efficiency of primar