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荒野的夜晚来得特别早。依恋大地的太阳才刚下山,月亮已迫不及待升上夜空。可是,今晚的月色有点诡异,像把寒刀,一直闪着冷森森的光芒。少年游侠酷斯望了冷漠的月色一眼,匆匆赶路,来到一座古城。他爬上城的最高处,向四周眺望。晚风阵阵,吹得他的一头白发飞扬不已,酷斯挺了挺胸膛,不让旅途的疲惫影响他坚毅的心。随着夜色的增浓增厚,晚雾从地底慢慢爬升上来,渐渐把树木、河流、砖墙一一吞没。月亮躲进云朵暖暖的床铺上睡觉了吗?此时,酷斯眉头深锁,他丝毫没有睡意,脑海里浮现的,全是饱受疯狂二魔蹂躏的凄惨大地。白天,他走过村庄,走过田野,发现村庄已不再是往日的村庄,山野也不再是以前的山野。它们被疯狂二魔破坏的情景,只能用一个惨字形容。如果让二魔继续猖狂下去,山河破碎,土石横流,百姓哪能安家立业?酷斯朝天空发出声声怒吼,他浓浓的双眉往上翘,丹凤的双眼布满血丝,胀红的脸上暴起的血管清晰可见。一只白兔突然从倾塌的墙角窜出,惊慌颤栗的奔来跑去,显 Wilderness night came very early. The sun attached to the earth has just come down, the moon can not wait to rise to the sky. However, tonight’s moonlight a bit strange, like the cold knife, has been flashing cold light. Juvenile Ranger looked cool indifferent moonlight, hurried hurry, came to an ancient city. He climbed the highest point of the city and looked around. Breeze blowing, blowing his hair endless white hair, cool pretty Ting chest, let the tired journey to affect his perseverance. Thickening thickening with the night, the evening fog slowly climb up from the bottom, and gradually to trees, rivers, brick walls engulfed one by one. Moon hid in the clouds on the warm bed to sleep? At this time, Kurt brows locked, he did not sleep, mind emerges, are full of crazy demon ravaged the miserable earth. During the day, he walked through the village and across the fields, discovering that the village was no longer a past village and that the mountain was no longer the former mountain. They were destroyed by the crazy magic scene, can only be described as a tragedy. If you let the two magic continues to go wild, mountains and rivers, earth and stone cross-flow, people can settle down? Cool North Korea issued a roar of the sky, his thick eyebrows up Alice, Dan Feng’s eyes full of bloodshot eyes, Broken blood vessels on the face clearly visible. A white rabbit suddenly sprang from the corner of the collapse, panic ran trembling, significant
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中西文化渊远流长,有着丰富多彩的颜色词。由于文化背景、历史背景、审美心理等诸多因素的影响,人们对于颜色 The long history of Chinese and Western cultures, with col