
来源 :中成药研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzhao0922
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中药片剂的“松片”是一个常见的问题。产生“松片”的原因很多,除了机械方面的因素外,主要原因还有三个方面:(1)粘合剂或润湿剂的用量不足,或选择不当;(2)颗粒干燥过度,水份不足;(3)药物本身的性质就中药的性质来说,不同药物的脆性、塑性、弹性、硬度各不相同,其中弹性物质受压时可以变形缩小,压力解除后又可因弹性而膨胀,造成片剂疏散易裂。而中药片剂往往含较多的纤维质和蛋白质,不仅弹性大,而且易吸水膨胀,质地轻抛,往往使填入模孔的颗粒量不足,故“松片”现象较为普遍。现将我们在工作中的粗浅体会介绍如下。 The “songs” of traditional Chinese medicine tablets are a common problem. There are many reasons for producing “songs”. Apart from mechanical factors, there are three main reasons: (1) insufficient or improper selection of binders or wetting agents; (2) excessive drying of particles, moisture Inadequacies; (3) The nature of the drug. With regard to the nature of the Chinese medicine, the brittleness, plasticity, elasticity, and hardness of different drugs are different. Among them, the elastic substance can be deformed and reduced when it is compressed, and can be expanded due to elasticity after the pressure is relieved. Causes tablet evacuation and cracking. Traditional Chinese medicine tablets often contain more fiber and protein, which are not only elastic, but also easily absorb water and swell. The texture is lightly thrown, and the amount of particles that fill the die holes is often insufficient. Therefore, the phenomenon of “songs” is more common. Now we will introduce the rough experience of our work as follows.
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