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今年7月7日是姚名达教授抗日殉国60周年的纪念日。姚名达教授是我国现代著名的目录学家、史学家,也是我国抗战期间亲赴抗日前线而牺牲的惟一教授。姚名达,字达人,号显微,1905年生于江西兴国县,18岁毕业于省立赣县中学。因家境清寒,父亲让他辍读学医,一则自立,二则济世,姚名达勉强听从,心里却很郁闷。后来听说上海南洋公学设有公费国学专修科,姚名达欣然前往就读。逾年,北平清华研究院招生,姚名达应试,被录取。当时梁启超先生在该校任教,对他十分器重,鼓励他读书,指导他治学。姚名达也非常敬重梁启超。由于梁年迈体弱,抱病授课、写作十分吃力,姚名达便为其记著述、整理讲稿。梁启超曾说:“治学如治羹,调和五昧,则大厨之技,而 July 7 this year marks the 60th anniversary of Professor Yao Mingda’s anti-Japanese martyrdom. Professor Yao Mingda is a modern famous bibliographer and historian in our country and the only professor who sacrificed to go to the anti-Japanese front during our war of resistance. Yao name of the word up to people, number was microscopic, born in 1905 in Jiangxi Xingguo County, 18-year-old graduated from the Provincial Gan County High School. Because of his family cold, his father let him drop-in study medicine, a self-reliance, two Jiji, Yao Ming barely obey, but my heart is very depressed. Later I heard that Shanghai Nanyang Public School has a national university specializing in Chinese studies, Yao Mingda pleased to attend. Over the years, Peking Tsinghua Research Institute enrollment, Yao name of the test, was admitted. At that time, Mr. Leung Kai-chau taught in the school, gave him a heavy man, encouraged him to study and guide him to study. Yao Mingda also respect Liang Qichao very much. As the beam frail elderly, sickly teaching, writing is very difficult, Yao Mingda will be written for his mind, finishing the script. Liang Qichao once said: "The rule of law such as rule soup, reconcile the five ignorant, then chef’s skill, and
Discourse analysis has become more and more important in field of English Language Teaching. Based on the “moves” theory and the “problem-solution” rhetoric