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抗日前后(下)一、割除前列腺 民国廿九年十二月一日,父亲浴后受凉,发高烧。邀沈谦来诊治,因沪西愚园路一带被日寇宪兵封锁,无法前来,因而连续两天热度不退。四日黎明忽然小便不通,小腹胀痛难受。再电沈谦,沈医即到,断为膀胱炎,介绍泌尿科陈邦典医生。陈医来诊,云应送医院手术。六日,进离家最近的大华医院,时体温仍高。陈叔通先生来探望,感到陈邦典既主张开刀,又迟迟没有动静,便介绍曹晨涛医生,并主张辞陈延曹。父亲表示同意。经曹医周密检查,认为并非膀胱炎,而是老年性摄护腺(今称前列腺)肥大症,两天后动手术,切除前列腺,并在小腹开一小洞,将一橡皮管插入膀胱,小便改道泄出。为了防止感染,护理十分重要,乃请护士两位日夜照料。曹医把割下的前列腺置于玻璃瓶中,我记得犹有核桃般大,出院时携至家中。第一次手术后约两星期,估计前列腺割除处伤口已全部愈合,再动第二次手术。但第二次更为重要,稍有不慎,可能引起大出血。所以特邀乐文照医生协助曹医在手术台旁随时检查心脏、血压、脉搏等。手术顺利完成,橡皮管拔出,小便恢复原道,惟微热不退。 Anti-Japanese before and after (a), cut off the prostate on December 1, 1929, my father was cold after the bath, had a fever. Invited Shen Qian to treatment, because Shanghai Huxi Yuyuan Road blockade by the Japanese Kempeitai, can not come, so for two days without refund. Suddenly on the 4th dawn pee barrier, abdominal pain uncomfortable. Re-Shen Qian, Shen medicine that is, broken cystitis, introduced the urology doctor Chen Bangdian. Clinic to the clinic, the cloud should be sent to the hospital for surgery. On the 6th, after entering the Dahua Hospital nearest to my home, the body temperature is still high. Chen Shutong came to visit and felt that while Chen Bomodian advocated surgery and delayed no movement, he introduced Dr. Cao Chentao and advocated Chen Yan Cao’s speech. My father agreed. After careful examination by Dr. Cao, that is not a cystitis, but senile prostate (now known as prostate) hypertrophy, surgery two days later, removal of the prostate, and open a small hole in the lower abdomen, a rubber tube into the bladder, urine Diversion out. In order to prevent infection, care is very important, but to nurse two day and night care. Dr. Cao put the pricked prostate in a glass bottle, and I remember that there was still a big walnut, which she brought home when I was discharged from the hospital. About two weeks after the first operation, it is estimated that the wounds at the prostate excision have been completely healed, and the second operation is performed again. But the second is more important, a little careless, may cause bleeding. Therefore, Dr. Le Man invited to help doctors at any time in the operating table to check the heart, blood pressure, pulse and so on. Surgery successfully completed, rubber tube pulled out, urinate restored the original Road, but slightly retreat.
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