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“谁不说俺家乡好,沂蒙山区好地方……”这首脍炙人口的沂蒙小调,过去唱的是“向往”,今天唱的是“现实”。是党的富民政策把这个“向往”变成了“现实”。农民是多数,农业是基础,我们党历来十分重视“三农”建设。近年来,随着改革开放的不断深入和市场经济的发展,党中央连续3年下发了3个加强“三农”建设的1号文件,减轻了农民负担,增加了农民收入,促进了农业产业结构调整,掀起了社会主义新农村建设高潮。在革命老区山东临沂,让我们跟随春节期间返乡的外出务工民兵,感受昔日贫穷的沂蒙山区如今旧貌换新颜的喜悦。 “Who does not say that my hometown is good, a good place in the Yimeng mountain area ...” The first popular Yimeng minor tune, sung in the past is “longing for” sing today is “reality.” It is the party’s policy of enriching the people that has turned this “longing for” into a “reality.” Farmers are the majority and agriculture is the foundation. Our party has always attached great importance to the “three rural issues”. In recent years, with the continuous deepening of reform and opening up and the development of a market economy, the Party Central Committee issued three documents on strengthening the “three rural” construction for three consecutive years, alleviating the burden on peasants, increasing peasants’ income and promoting agriculture Adjustment of industrial structure set off the climax of building a new socialist countryside. In the old revolutionary base area of ​​Linyi, Shandong, let us follow the migrant militiamen returning home during the Spring Festival and feel the joy of the old Yimeng Mountain, now poor.
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“高压电线入村庄,村庄道路宽又广。教学楼里书声琅,草房瓦房变楼房。蔬菜大棚连成片,猪羊满圈鱼满塘。”在宁县农村,一批由当地农民群众自编的顺口溜正被广为传唱。 “High
2007年11月3日,由中国工作犬管理协会主办,中国工作犬管理协会南京办事处和公安部南京警犬研究所承办的 On November 3, 2007, hosted by China Working Dog Management Ass
中央十六届五中全会决定指出:建设社会主义新农村是我国现代化进程中的重大历史任务,要按照“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容 The Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th