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患者高×,男性,25岁,住院号191165。右眼外伤后视物不见15天而入院。15天前因瓦斯罐爆炸将右眼炸伤,当时右眼疼痛,流泪,视物不见。急诊在外院做右眼角膜伤口缝合术。治疗10多天,不见好转,于1988年7月30日入我院。眼科险查:视力右光感不确切,左0.7,右眼下睑缘皮肤可见一与睑缘垂直疤痕,眼球小而软,球结膜高度充血,水肿,角膜雾状混浊,中央可见一7cm斜行伤口,伤口裂开,有一硬性异物嵌在伤口处。虹膜纹理不清楚,并与角膜伤口粘连,晶体及眼底均无法窥见,左外眼及眼底正常。眼眶正侧位X线片:双眼眶内未见不透X线之金属异物,B超检查:右眼晶体部位可见0.6~0.7cm强回声,后方呈“慧星尾”征,玻璃体内充满中强回声光 Patient high ×, male, 25 years old, hospital number 191165. Right eye traumatic visual acuity disappeared 15 days and admitted to hospital. 15 days ago due to the explosion of the gas tank will hurt the right eye, right eye pain, tears, depending on the material missing. Emergency surgery in the outer corneal wound suture. Treatment of more than 10 days, no improvement, on July 30, 1988 into our hospital. Ophthalmology check: visual acuity sense of light is not precise, left 0.7, the right eyelid skin can be seen a vertical scar with the eyelid, the eye is small and soft, conjunctival hyperemia, edema, corneal haze, the central visible a 7cm oblique Wounds, wounds open, there is a hard foreign body embedded in the wound. Iris texture is not clear, and adhesion with the corneal wound, the lens and the fundus are not glimpse of the left eye and fundus normal. Orbital lateral X-ray film: No bilateral radioporulous metal foreign body in the orbit, B-ultrasound: the right eye crystal area can be seen 0.6 ~ 0.7cm strong echo, the rear was “comet tail” sign, the glass is full Strong echo light
我科自1979年10月至1985年9月六年间,眼外伤住院患者155例,现统计分析如下: (一)眼外伤发生率:1979年10月至1985年9月,眼科住院患者916例,眼外伤为155例(165眼),占16.92%。
林某,女,21岁。被鸟枪误伤左侧面部32小时急诊。检查左面部明显肿胀,散在点状子弹伤口,部分子弹(铁砂)暴露。左眼无光感,眼睑高度肿胀,经抗生素及激素治 Lin, female, 21 y
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