The Extraction Technology of the Volatile Oil in Angelica sinensis(Oliv.) Diels Based on Supercritic

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:soul678
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[Objective] The research aimed to optimize the best extraction technology of ferulic acid in Angelica sinensis(Oliv.) Diels.[Method] The active ingredients in A.sinensis were extracted by using supercritical CO2 extraction technology.The effects of particle size,extraction pressure,extraction temperature,separation temperature on the extraction rate of volatile oil and ferulic acid were investigated.And their contents were determined by using high performance liquid chromatogram.[Result] The optimized technology parameter of extracting volatile oil from A.sinensis by using supercritical CO2 extraction technology were as follows:the particle size of 30,extraction pressure of 28MPa,extraction temperature of 35℃,separation temperature of 45℃ and the separation pressure of 6MPa.The optimized technology parameter of extracting ferulic acid from A.sinensis by using supercritical CO2 extraction technology were as follows:the particle size of 10,the extraction pressure of 22MPa,extraction temperature of 35℃,separation temperature of 40℃ and the separation pressure of 6MPa.CO2 flow was 20 L/h and the extraction time was 2 h.[Conclusion] The optimized process of the active ingredients in A.sinensis had higher extraction rate and the efficacy components were retained better. [Objective] The research aimed to optimize the best extraction technology of ferulic acid in Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels. [Method] The active ingredients in A.sinensis were extracted by using supercritical CO2 extraction technology. The effects of particle size, extraction pressure, extraction temperature, separation temperature on the extraction rate of volatile oil and ferulic acid were investigated. And their contents are determined by using high performance liquid chromatogram. [Result] The optimized technology parameter of extracting volatile oil from A.sinensis by using supercritical CO2 extraction technology were as follows: the particle size of 30, extraction pressure of 28 MPa, extraction temperature of 35 ° C., separation temperature of 45 ° C. and the separation pressure of 6 MPa. The optimized technology parameter of extracting ferulic acid from A.sinensis by using supercritical CO2 extraction technology were as follows: the particle size of 10, the extraction pressure of 22 MPa, extraction temperature of 35 ° C., separation temperature of 40 ° C. and the separation pressure of 6 MPa. CO 2 flow was 20 L / h and the extraction time was 2 h. [Conclusion] The optimized process of the active ingredients in A.sinensis had higher extraction rate and the efficacy components were retained better.
社会劳动价值论是厦门大学钱伯海教授,在我国国民经济核算制度由MPS向SNA过渡时引发逻辑性矛盾的情况下,为新国民经济核算体系寻求理论基础的过程中创立的,该理论的精髓是“社会劳动是指从事物质生产和非物质生产的各种劳动,其劳动成果用于满足社会生产和人民生活的物质与精神的各种需要,其所创造的价值就被社会认可和使用。而且创造价值的劳动和要素,在社会和企业中具有不同的内涵 和表现,即从社会看是活劳动创造价值,从企业看是物化劳动与活劳动共同创造价值”,最近,有一些文章提出以社会劳动价值论作为财政学基础性理论的观点,
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