
来源 :青海统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bob2cici
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一月1日,根据国务院办公厅国办发[1998]144号文件要求,全省工业统计制度即日起开始实施两项重大改革,一是建设国有及国有控股工业企业主要经济指标月报分企业报送制度;二是建立全省76户独立核算大中型工业企业信息联网直报制度。5日,省统计局局长薛政参加中央青海省委九届二次全委会。在分组讨论会上,省委书记田成平说:要改革和加强统计工作,改进统计指标体系和统计方法,克服统计不实、不准现象,尽量做到科学统计、科学考核、客观准确。8日,省统计局局长薛政在有关处室负责人陪同 On January 1, according to the State Council Office Circular [1998] No.144 document, the province’s industrial statistics system started to implement two major reforms with immediate effect. First, the construction of a monthly report on major economic indicators of state-owned and state-holding industrial enterprises Second, the establishment of the province’s 76 independent accounting large and medium-sized industrial enterprises information network direct reporting system. On the 5th, Xue Zheng, director of the Provincial Bureau of Statistics, attended the second plenary session of the Ninth Central Committee of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee. At the group discussion meeting, Tian Chengping, secretary of the provincial party committee, said: To reform and strengthen the statistical work, improve the statistical index system and statistical methods, overcome the untrue phenomena and impermissible phenomena, and try to make scientific statistics and scientific assessments as objective and accurate as possible. On the 8th, Xue Zheng, director of the Provincial Bureau of Statistics, accompanied the heads of relevant departments and offices
各位代表、各位来宾: 西北统计学会联席会、青海省2001年统计科学研讨会暨青海省统计学会六届二次理事会现在开幕了。请允许我向大家介绍到会的领导和来宾: (按主席台人员介
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