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血小板和血管平滑肌细胞有不少共同特徵.血小板游离钙([Ca~(2+)]i)的增加可能间接反映小动脉高张力和高周围阻力。继对硝苯啶、吲达帕胺、可乐宁和血小板[Ca~(2+)]i关系的报道,对40例高血压病患者(男28、女12)分成以巯甲丙脯酸(25mg/d)、哌唑嗪(2mg/d)、双氢克尿噻(50mg/d)、美多心安(50—100mg/d)治疗的4组作观察,每组10例。发现:(1)4药均有明显降压效果。(2)血小板[Ca~(2+)]i在巯甲丙脯酸和双氢克尿噻组分别降低38.889±43.791、22.700±25.743nmol/l(p均<0.05);在哌唑嗪、美多心安组未见相应变化。(3)哌唑嗪组血总Ca和Ca~(2+)在治后升高;双氢克尿噻组治后血Ca~(2+)也升高。(4)RBC[Na~+]i在巯甲丙脯酸组在治后降低,且治后ΔRBC[Na~+]i与ΔSBP(治前-治后值)呈正相关;双氢克尿噻组治前RBC[Na~+]i和ΔRBC[Na~+]i与ΔDBP呈正相关,提示细胞[Na~+]i的降低可能也参与该两药的降压机制。(5)治前血磷(P)在巯甲丙脯酸组与治后ΔSBP、美多心安组与治后ΔSBP、ΔDBP呈负相关。以正常对照组42人血小板[Ca~(2+)]i的“?±2SD”即226nmol/l为正常高界,52.5%本组患者大或等于此值。据以提出下述工作假设:高血压病患者可能区分为高及正常细胞[Ca~(2+)]i两种模式;不同抗高血压药也可分为血小板[Ca~(2+)]i与血压平行或不平行降低的两类。选用能降[Ca~(2+)]i的降压药可能对防治高血压性血栓性并发症更有益。 Platelets and vascular smooth muscle cells have many common features.Platelet free calcium ([Ca ~ (2 +)] i) increase may indirectly reflect the high arterial high tension and high peripheral resistance. Following the reports of the relationship between nifedipine, indapamide, clonidine and platelet [Ca ~ (2 +)] i, 40 hypertensive patients (male 28, female 12) were divided into captopril 25mg / d), prazosin (2mg / d), hydrochlorothiazide (50mg / d), metoprolol (50-100mg / d) treatment of the four groups were observed in 10 cases. Found: (1) 4 drugs have significant antihypertensive effect. (2) The platelet [Ca ~ (2 +)] i decreased by 38.889 ± 43.791,22.700 ± 25.743nmol / l in both captopril and hydrochlorothiazide groups (all p <0.05) The United States and more peace of mind group did not change accordingly. (3) The levels of total Ca and Ca ~ (2+) in prazosin group increased after treatment, and the levels of Ca ~ (2+) in blood increased after treatment with hydrochlorothiazide. (4) RBC [Na ~ +] i decreased after treatment in captopril group, and there was a positive correlation between ΔRBC [Na ~ +] i and ΔSBP The positive correlation between RBC [Na ~ +] i and ΔRBC [Na ~ +] i and ΔDBP before treatment showed that the decrease of [Na ~ +] i may also participate in the antihypertensive mechanism of both drugs. (5) Pretreatment serum phosphorus (P) was negatively correlated with ΔSBP and ΔDBP in patients with captopril and after treatment. Normal control group of 42 human platelet [Ca ~ (2 +)] i “± 2SD” 226nmol / l for the high normal, 52.5% of the group of patients with large or equal to this value. According to the following work hypothesis: Hypertension patients may be divided into high and normal cells [Ca ~ (2 +)] i two modes; different antihypertensive drugs can be divided into platelet [Ca ~ (2+)] i and blood pressure parallel or non-parallel reduction of the two categories. The use of antihypertensive drugs that can lower [Ca ~ (2 +)] i may be more beneficial for the prevention and treatment of hypertensive thrombotic complications.
社店合作,探索出有效共赢模式,一直是业界关注的话题。截至4月21日,由全国师范大学出版社联合体和全国教育出版社发行协调委员会等机构主办,江苏新华发行集团等单位承办,4月18日开幕的“2008教育出版物年度会展”,与会图书馆600家,客商约5000人,交易额达1050万码洋,吸引了全国出版发行人的目光。  业界人士认为,教育出版社、师范大学出版社和新华书店,三方过去因为市场利益,各自独立办会。又因为
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