龙游五洋 中国海军发展新论

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本文论述了海权对于中国的现实意义,主张以海权理论取代海防思想,对武器装备质量与数量的关系、和平与战争的关系、国防与经济的关系进行了新的思考,从理论上指出加强国防建设和保持军事优势的重要性.在此基础上,结合我人民海军主要作战对象和任务,通过分析我军武器装备发展不同阶段的特点,着重反思了航母无用论和片面倚重撒手锏的思想,指出应该发展以航空母舰为核心的远洋战斗群,改善海军作战武器系统的结构,以建设一支真正强大的人民海军舰队。以此纪念郑和下西洋600周年。 This article discusses the realistic significance of sea power to China, advocates replacing sea defense with maritime power theory, thinking on the relationship between the quality and quantity of weaponry and equipment, the relationship between peace and war, and the relationship between national defense and economy, pointing out theoretically On the basis of this, based on the analysis of the characteristics of different stages of the development of our military’s weaponry and equipment based on the main targets and tasks of the People’s Navy and the armed forces, this paper focuses on the reflection of the aircraft carrier’s useless theory and the one-sided reliance on handcrafting , Pointed out that it is necessary to develop an ocean battle group with an aircraft carrier as the core and improve the structure of the naval combat weapon system in order to build a truly powerful people’s naval fleet. In memory of the 600th anniversary of Zheng He’s departure from the West.
文章从分析国际安全战略走向中的世界各国国防开支选择入手,通过横向的国家间对比和纵向的历史比较,对我国的国防开支选择问题进行了探讨。 The article begins with the an
密歇根州兰辛附近的奥克摩斯中学体育馆再平常不过了:篮球场漆得油光锃亮,天花板浑若洞穴,临时的观众席沿墙设列。可是在我带领的五年级国际象棋小 The Okemos High School
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1 俄经费不足,服务舱进度可能推迟按照“阿尔法”国际空间站原定的计划,空间站的建造工作将于1997年11月正式开始,届时,将发射一个由美国NASA投资、由俄罗斯赫鲁尼切夫机械制造厂制造的称为