Studies on Technique of Reducing Methane Emission in a Rice-Duck Ecological System and the Evaluatio

来源 :中国农业科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:esshuc
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The rice-duck ecological system is one of the major practices of the traditional Chinese agriculture. A study on the effect of reducing methane emission using this practice provided theoretical and practical basis for further development and utilization of this classical agricultural technique. The effect of reducing methane emission and the economic benefits of rice-duck ecological system were studied by carrying out a field experiment and by using economic methodology. The daily variation of CH4 emission in late rice paddy field was basically consistent with the daily variation of atmospheric temperature. The highest emission occurred at the full tillering stage of late rice with a rate of 24.1 or 32.2 or 40.5 mgm-2 h-1 in no-tillage area with duck and no-tillage area without duck and conventional-tillage area without duck, respectively. The inhibition of methane emission was apparently effective in the rice-duck ecological system during the initial tillering stage and the full tillering stage. Compared to the no-tillage area without duck, methane emission decreased by 2.333 g m-2.Compared to the conventional-tillage area without duck, methane emission decreased by 4.723 g m-2. During the production period of late rice, the amount of methane emission in no-tillage area with duck was 3.373 g m-2 lesser than that of no-tillage area without duck, and 5.59 g m-2 less than that of conventional-tillage without duck area. The economic significance was analyzed. Farmers adopting the rice-duck ecological system obtained 2 166 and 4 207 RMB yuan ha-1 more income than those who adopted a no-tillage without duck technique or conventional-tillage without duck technique, respectively. In addition to the reduction of the environmental pollution by methane emission, the farmers who adopted the rice-duck ecological system achieved economic benefits of 5 000 RMB yuan ha-1, which was 2 206 and 4 274 RMB yuan ha-1 more than those who adopted a no-tillage without duck technique and a conventional-tillage without duck technique, respectively.The rice-duck ecological system not only increased the economic benefits for farmers, but also reduced methane emission in rice paddy field. A sustainable agricultural production mode was formed.
1.病例报告患者王玉芬,女,62岁。因眩晕、头痛就诊。查体:体温36.6℃;脉搏78次/分;呼吸21次/分;血压135/80m m H g。精神状态欠佳,心肺腹及神经系统检查未见异常体征。颈椎X线片示:颈