
来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zkry123
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我国的电视对外宣传的目的是树立社会主义中国的良好形象,向世界打开一扇了解中国的窗口,为我国的改革开放和现代化建设创造良好的国际舆论环境。电视外宣具有较强的政治内涵。文章具体阐述了从国际国内舆论环境和电视的特殊传播作用看电视外宣讲政治的重要性,并提出政治意识应从对外宣传的总体定位上体现,即把握好三个要点——对外宣传的性质、对外宣传的地位、对外宣传的内容;坚持对外宣传的“三为主”原则——“以正面为主,以事实为主,以我为主”;处理好对外宣传的三个关系——个体真实与总体真实的关系,问题报道与正面效应的关系,被动反击与主动出击的关系;讲究宣传艺术,尊重传播规律,做到“四个结合”——大处着眼与小处落笔相结合,典型报道与综合报道相结合,“我方说”与“外方说”相结合,自我宣传与“外方参与”、相结合。中国电视在大踏步走向世界的同时,也要防止西方腐朽文化的渗透、入侵、把好屏幕关。 The purpose of China’s television propaganda is to establish a good image of socialist China, open a window to China to understand China, and create a favorable international public opinion environment for the reform, opening up and modernization of our country. TV outreach has a strong political connotation. The article elaborates on the importance of politics in TV preaching from the international and domestic public opinion environment and the special communication role of television. It also points out that political awareness should be reflected in the overall orientation of publicity, that is, to grasp three key points: the nature of publicity, The status of external publicity, the content of external publicity; adherence to the principle of “three as the mainstay” of the publicity - “mainly positive, factual, and I mainly”; handle the three relations of external publicity - individual The relationship between reality and the overall truth, the relationship between the problem reporting and the positive effect, the relationship between the passive counterattack and the proactive attack, the emphasis on publicizing the art and respecting the law of communication, and achieving the “four combinations” - a combination of big and small punctuation, The combination of typical reports and comprehensive reports, the combination of “we say” and “foreign speaking”, and the combination of self-promotion and “foreign participation”. While China’s TV is striding toward the world, it must also prevent infiltration and invasion of the decadent culture in the West and put a good screen.
二化螟(Chilo suppressalis Walker)属鳞翅目(Lepidoptera),草螟蛾科(Crambidae),是水稻和茭白的主要害虫之一。目前化学药剂是防治该害虫的主要方法,虽然效果直接、见效快,但化学药剂的大量使用不仅破坏农田生态环境,而且造成二化螟抗药性逐年增加。在本研究中我们调查了水稻和茭白(包括野生茭白)越冬代二化螟的种群密度,比较了二化螟两种寄主群体的生物学特性、以及感