
来源 :人民调解 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Manjay
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近几年,随着改革的深入和市场经济的发展,农村民间纠纷形成的原因日趋复杂,调解的难度日渐加大,一些民间纠纷单靠人民调解这个自治组织调解已显得势单力薄,无能为力。对此,河北省井陉县自1991年实行党政领导亲自调解纠纷制度,在农村社会治安综合治理中取得了明显的成效。据了解,仅去年1——10月份,县乡两级党政领导亲自调解的纠纷就达50余件,调解成功率达90%以上。为加强人民调解工作,使党政领导亲自调解纠纷落到实处,形成制度,他们依托县司法局、乡镇司法所成立了由党政主管领导任组长,司法行政、公安、法院、土地、民政、妇联等有关部门为成员的民调工作领导小组,后经县委、县政府批准改名为“县疑难纠纷调解指导中心”和“乡镇疑难纠纷调解中心”。在此基础上,以县司法局的名义聘请县、乡(镇)党委、政府、人大、政协、政法委等主要领导为疑难纠纷调解(指导)中心特邀调解员;其中县级党政领 In recent years, along with the deepening of reform and the development of market economy, the reasons for the formation of rural civil disputes have become increasingly complicated and the difficulty of mediation has been gradually increasing. Some mediation disputes involving private mediation alone have become weak and powerless . In this regard, Jingtai County, Hebei Province, since 1991, the party and government leaders personally mediation dispute system, comprehensive control of rural social security has achieved remarkable results. It is learned that in the last 1-10 months last year, more than 50 disputes between party and government leaders at the county, township and village level personally mediated the success rate of over 90%. In order to strengthen the people’s mediation work, the party and government leaders personally mediate the disputes and implement the system. They rely on the county judicial bureau and the township judicial department to set up the leadership positions headed by the Party and government leaders, the judicial administration, the public security, the courts, the land, the civil affairs , Women’s Federation and other relevant departments as members of the poll work leading group, after the county party committee and government approved the renamed “County dispute resolution mediation center ” and “township dispute resolution center ”. On this basis, the chief leaders of party committees, governments, people’s congresses, political consultative conferences, and political and legal commissions of counties and townships (townships) are hired as the mediators for the mediation (guidance) center for difficult disputes by county magistrates’ council. Among them,
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