Negative transfer of first language on second language acquisition and some pedagogical implications

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  【Abstract】:Language transfer is a common phenomenon on second language acquisition. Language transfer comes out on second language acquisition. There are some similarities in language learning so they will unconsciously transfer the habits of their first language to second language learning but sometimes it hinder students’ learning. It is negative transfer. The paper analyses those effects from the two aspects which include discourse and culture and it discusses some pedagogical implications to deal with the negative transfer in first language.
  【Key words】: negative transfer; first language; SLA
  1. Introduction
  In China, most students learn English after they have mastered their first language well. When second language is acquired, it is influenced by the native language which is the transfer of the first language. Negative transfer hinders the ability of students to acquire second language so it’s important to reduce negative transfer for students.
  2. The phenomenon of Negative transfer of first language
  2.1 About the Aspect of Discourse
  About the aspect of discourse, Chinese students have two main problems. Firstly, their paper lacks theme sentences and they often haven’t clear point in the first paragraph. Secondly, it lacks coherence. English is a hypotaxis language so the text mainly makes by the coordinate conjunction and relative pronouns while Chinese is a parataxis language. If paragraph have a clear logical relationship, it’s not necessary to use any of the linked marker so they often lack transitional word in English writing.
  2.2 About the Aspect of Culture
  Cultural negative transfer mainly manifests in social situations because students don’t understand the cultural habits of native language. Here are some examples. When they meet, Chinese usually ask "Do you have meal?". It’s just a greeting but foreigners think they are invited to have dinner and Chinese often talk about age but if the foreigner is asked "how old are you?". He must be angry to answer "It 's none of your business!". And they think it is very rude behavior to interfere their privacy.
  3. The Implications of Second Language Teaching and Learning
  3.1 to Enhance the Understand of Cultural Differences of Students
  It’s significant to learn about the differences between first language and second language and to reduce pragmatic mistakes. In teaching, teachers can use the way of comparative analysis. We not only should pay attention to two kinds of culture’s difference but also the differences of thinking mode. Students learn about different cultural communication and improve the ability of cross-cultural communication and reduce the phenomenon of negative transfer.   3.2 to Strengthen Discourse Teaching
  Discourse teaching includes phonetics, vocabulary and grammar teaching. students can use concrete language materials to understand the meaning of a word and teachers analyse the stylistic rules to make students learn the differences of discourse pattern between second language and first language. Then students should know that the role of negative transfer of first language and train own English thinking mode to reduce the influence of first language thinking.
  4. Conclusion
  Language transfer has been a central issue in applied linguistics.The negative transfer of native language is inevitable on second language acquisition. The paper analyses those effects from the two aspects which include discourse and culture and it discusses some pedagogical implications to deal with the negative transfer in first language. Krashen think that the real way to solve first language transfer is to input a good deal of comprehensible materials and teachers should provide a large number of comprehensible materials to create a good learning environment in the classroom. Finally, it can actively promote the positive transfer of the first language.
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【摘要】:教师职业倦怠主要表现为情绪衰竭、人格解体和低的个人成就感。教师产生职业倦怠的影响因素主要来自于职业本身、学校、教师个人和学生四个方面。缓解高校教师职业倦怠的策略:弱化职业期待,改善教师待遇;优化学校管理,增强个人归属感;建立高校教师支持系统。提高个人成就感;增强职业自信心,提高自我效能感。  【关键词】:教师;职业倦怠  1.教师职业倦怠的界定和主要表现  1.1教师职业倦怠的界定  职
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【摘要】:随着社会经济的发展,国内人民的贫富差距也越来越大。通过教育,学生们走出了大山,挥手告别了父辈的黄土地。来到大都市的他们是不是真的就此会光宗耀祖,飞黄腾达,服务于人民,贡献于国家了呢?数学作为自然科学里最基础同时又是最重要的学科,若要加强农村教育建设,加强农村数学教育建设必然迫在眉睫。通过探知学生眼里的数学教育,及其对个人发展状况进行分析,提出有关中小学数学教育教育相关实施策略。  【关键
【摘要】:孔雀王朝的灭亡有许多原因,在此篇文章中我们只谈论佛教对孔雀王朝衰亡的影响。阿育王大肆宣扬佛教、支持佛教发展不仅对孔雀王朝的经济和军事、外交等产生了巨大的冲击,同时加快了孔雀王朝走向衰亡的步伐。  【关键词】:佛教;孔雀王朝;衰亡;影响  阿育王是孔雀王朝的第三位帝王。按照佛教传说,他原是一个穷凶极恶的暴君,曾经专门挑选最凶恶的人设立“人间地狱”,去残害人民。阿育王由于在征服羯陵伽国时亲眼
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