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日前,由中央教科所培训中心、全国教育科学“十五”规划教育部重点课题“实施研究性学习的专题研究”总课题组主办,我社等单位承办的“首届全国研究性学习研讨暨成果交流活动”在安徽阜阳圆满闭幕。活动期间的论文评审达到了预期的效果。参赛作品均紧扣“我国中小学研究性学习的理论与实践”这一主题,既有研究性学习教学实践中的体会、反思,又有较成熟的教育教学理念探究。论文大都选题准确、论点明确、论据充实、论证有力、见解透彻、视角新颖、理论与实践有机结合、论述深入浅出,体现了我国中小学研究性学习的理论与实践研究的发展水平。为此,从本期开始,我刊特选登此次活动中获得一等奖的优秀论文,供广大研究性学习教育工作者参考。由于版面有限,我刊对获奖作品进行了缩编或节选,请作者谅解。 Recently, the “First National Seminar on Research Learning and Achievements Sponsored by the Central Education Institute Training Center, the Key Task of the Ministry of Education for the Tenth Five-Year Plan for Educational Science” Exchange activities “in Fuyang, Anhui Province successfully concluded. The paper review during the event achieved the expected results. The entries are closely linked to the theme of ”Theories and Practices of Research-based Learning in Primary and Secondary Schools in China", which includes both experience and reflection in researching teaching and learning, as well as more mature education and teaching concepts. Most of the essay topics are accurate, the arguments are clear, the arguments are substantial, the arguments are powerful, the opinions are thorough, the perspectives are novel, the combination of theory and practice, and the explanations explain profound theories in simple language, which reflects the development of theoretical and practical research on research-based learning in primary and secondary schools in our country. To this end, from the beginning of this issue, I selected this event to win the first prize of excellent essay, for the majority of research and education workers reference. Due to the limited edition, I published the award-winning works were downsized or excerpts, please forgive the author.
2011年11月13日至15日,由中国法学会婚姻法学研究会主办,厦门大学法学院承办的“中国法学会婚姻法学研究会201 1年年会暨中国婚姻家庭法学研究会第一次会员代表大会”在福建
动手又动脑,让学生有话可说,有话能说;关注、观察、体验,发展学生的思维,描写儿童心理;展开想象、联想,写出如见其人、如闻其声的文章。 Hands-on and brains, so that stud
Al-Cr-pillared montmorillonite was synthesized by using bentonite and Al-Cr pillaring solutions as starting materials.The basal spacing and specific surface are
如果换帅能解决所有问题,那中国足球恐怕早就冲出亚洲了。  任何企业的发展,都是在不断地调整中不断地前进,但是调整也需要天时地利!  9月18日,中粮旗下中国食品董事总经理及执行董事栾秀菊正式辞职,引发了业界的探讨:外界猜测栾的辞职大抵是因为业绩,受累于长城葡萄酒等板块业绩的连续下滑。  事实上,栾秀菊在职期间也一直在努力地探索有效的发展策略,只是没有赶上一个好时光。如果栾秀菊的辞职是为长城葡萄酒的
通过对裂缝宽度计算要素的分析,探讨混凝土楼板裂缝的控制因素。 Through the analysis of the elements of crack width calculation, the control factors of concrete fl