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2001年12月9日,在省部级干部WTO规则及吸收外资政策法规研究班座谈会上,国务院总理朱镕基强调,加入世贸组织后要扎扎实实地做好各项应对工作,把握八个要点。一是要充分用好过渡期。中国是讲信用的国家,必须认真履行我们的承诺。加入世贸组织的过渡期只有三至五年,时间很紧。我们一定要充分利用过渡期的宝贵时间,抓紧做好各项准备和调整工作,尽快提高适应能力。各地区、各部门要按照中央的部署做好各项工作。二是要充分利用加入世贸组织后我国享有的权利。加入世贸组织,最大的机遇是所有WTO成员在世贸组织中的承诺都是中国的权利,我们享受的最惠国待遇和国民待遇将为我国 On December 9, 2001, Premier Zhu Rongji emphasized that after China’s entry into the WTO, it is necessary to do a good job in all aspects of the response and grasp eight key points at a seminar on the WTO rules for provincial and ministerial-level cadres and the seminar on policies and regulations on foreign investment absorption. First, we must make full use of the transitional period. China is a country that stresses credibility and must earnestly honor our commitments. The transition period to China’s accession is only three to five years and time is tight. We must make full use of the valuable time during the transitional period and pay close attention to all preparations and readjustments so as to improve our adaptability as soon as possible. All localities and departments should do a good job in accordance with the deployment of the Central Government. The second is to make full use of the rights enjoyed by China after its accession to the WTO. The greatest opportunity for joining the WTO is that all WTO members’ commitments in the WTO are China’s rights. The most-favored-nation treatment and national treatment we enjoy will provide China
[目的]构建人防御素-5(HD-5)真核表达载体。[方法]以MegaMan Human Transcriptome library为模板,利用PCR技术扩增目的片段,经NheⅠ和XbaⅠ酶切、插入真核表达载体pcDNA3.1(+
近来翻阅报刊,偶得三篇“奇文”,择其“精华”,略加评点,以供读者“欣赏”。 Recently read the newspapers, even three “Kiyon”, choose its “essence”, a little comment
为了探讨小儿反复感染继发免疫功能低下的病因,我们普查了12岁以内小儿1486人,从中筛选出100例反复感染者,作进一步调查分析,结果如下。临床资料 In order to investigate
本文研究针对当前我国体校文化教学的现状,分析影响体校文化教学质量的主要因素,提出提高体校文化教学水平的措施。 This paper studies the current status quo of our count
由于传统生活习惯和工作压力等因素,加拿大老人习惯社会养老,大多数老人会选择“老人医院”养老。其实所谓“老人医院”并非真正的医院,而是加拿大四级社会养老体系中最高一级,正规的称呼是“护理安老院”。在“护理安老院”以下,还有“护士中心”、“退休人士之家”、“老年公寓”三级机构,不过级别越低,个人所需承担的费用也越高。  “老人医院”多半附属于真正的医院。加拿大所有综合医院都是公立的,这类附属于医院的“