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瓦维洛夫是前苏联卓越的物理学家、物理光学学派的创始人。他的研究领域极广,对各种光学现象,尤其是荧光的研究,作出了重要贡献,奠定了光学中的新方向——微光学的基础,被公认为非线性光学的创始人之一。他一生曾三次被授予苏联国家奖金(1943年、1946年、1951年)。瓦维洛夫于1891年3月12日出生在莫斯科的一个商人家庭里。他10岁进入商业学校念书,在学校里对自然科学产生了兴趣,十分偏爱物理和化学课,自己动手制作仪器,做各种试验,生平第一次作了《原子的放射性与结构》的学术报告。他还有一个爱好,就是阅读和藏书(他的个人藏书达到3.7万册)。 1909年,瓦维洛夫商业学校毕业后,经加试拉丁语考进了莫斯科大学数学物理系,在列别杰夫和 Vavilov was a prominent physicist and founder of the School of Physical Optics in the former Soviet Union. His field of research is very extensive and has made significant contributions to the study of various optical phenomena, especially fluorescence, laying a new direction in optics - the foundation of micro-optics and is recognized as one of the founders of nonlinear optics. He was awarded the Soviet State Prize three times throughout his life (1943, 1946, 1951). Vavilov was born on 12 March 1891 in a family of businessmen in Moscow. At the age of 10, he entered commercial schools and became interested in science at school. He preferred physics and chemistry classes, did his own experiments and experimented, and for the first time in his life he made the academic “Atomic Radiation and Structure” report. He also has a hobby that is reading and collecting books (his personal collection reaches 37,000). After graduating from Vavilov Commercial School in 1909, he was admitted to the Department of Mathematical Physics at Moscow State University for additional tests in Latin,
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为建立自律性行业管理机制,推动行业诚信建设,2011年春节前夕,在市港口协会的推动下,全市49家的经营人共同签署了铜陵港口行业自 In order to establish a self-disciplined