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近日,国家海洋局第一海洋研究所在进行国家高技术发展计划“863”海洋探查与资源开发技术课题“沉积物来源、厚度与结构探测技术”海上探测和实验中,使用长岩芯重力取样管,一次取得17.11米沉积物柱状样,这一重大突破,打破了我国东海海洋沉积物取样中从来未超过10米长的历史记录。 在调查中,科技人员改进活塞工作原理,使用人工释放配重技术,优化总体结构设计,合 Recently, the First Institute of Oceanography of the State Oceanic Administration, in carrying out the exploration and experiment of the sea on sediment source, thickness and structure exploration technology for “863” marine exploration and resource development project under the State Hi-Tech Development Plan, Tube, a 17.11-meter-long sediment-shaped column was obtained. This major breakthrough broke the historical record of never exceeding 10 meters in the sampling of marine sediments in the East China Sea. In the investigation, scientific and technical personnel to improve the working principle of the piston, the use of artificial release of counterweight technology, optimize the overall structural design, and
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分析了1983年夏季(7月)黄河中下游干旱时期的欧亚环流特征及海温场特征,探讨了各环流系统在形成黄河中下游干旱灾害中的作用及其与海洋热状况的联系。 The characteristics