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刘震:《中国新闻周刊》摄影记者,31岁的他曾参加过2004年的11·21包头空难和11·28陕西陈家山矿难的采访报道。虽然已不是第一次亲眼目睹人世间的生死离别,但2008年的这场地震惨状还是让他在拍摄现场无数次落泪。5月16日,跟拍胡锦涛总书记到绵阳灾区视察的他,深夜接受了记者的连线采访。5月13日,我从北京出发,11点到达重庆,下午4点赶到了成都都江堰聚源镇中学。那天下着大雨,现场的部队官兵正在积极施救。这里,一个旧的教学楼全部垮塌,13号 Liu Zhen: China Newsweek photojournalist. At age 31, he participated in interviews with the 11.21 Baotou air disaster in 2004 and the 11.88 Chenjiashan mine disaster in Shaanxi Province. Although it is not the first time to witness the world’s death or death, the horrific 2008 earthquake has left him countless tears on the scene. On May 16, he interviewed General Secretary Hu Jintao and inspected the disaster areas in Mianyang late night and accepted a reporter’s online interview. On May 13, I departed from Beijing, arrived in Chongqing at 11 o’clock, and arrived at Juyuan Middle School, Dujiangyan, Chengdu at 16 o’clock in the afternoon. Heavy rain that day, the scene of the troops and men are actively rescue. Here, an old teaching building collapsed all the way to No. 13
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应国家海洋局海洋环境保护研究所的邀请,美吲华盛顿大学海洋学院海洋地球化学专家JAMESW.MURRAY付教授予二九八五年六月j.十四日来大连讲学、访问。 At the invitation of t
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AIM:To determine the prevalence of a family history suggestive of Lynch syndrome (LS) among patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) followed in a coloproctology o
8 一o 南海沉积物中放射虫 1新屋12种………………………………………………·,…………··。……·陈木宏、谭智源(二)珠江磨刀门海区底质中有孔虫、介形虫的分布……·’