Modal Experiments and Finite Element Analysis of the Bolted Structure Considering Interface Stiffnes

来源 :International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangshuo3246
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It is particularly important to evaluate natural frequencies and natural modes of the structure of bolted joints to avoid the failures of the structure due to the resonance.The vibration characteristics of bolted structures are closely connected to surface roughness of contact interfaces,the magnitude of pretension of the bolts and the number of clamping bolts.In this paper,the effect of the factors above on the natural frequencies of bolted structures is systematically investigated by experiments.Then,the finite element method is applied to analyze the effect.Finally,the numerical method is validated by experimental measurements of the natural frequencies. It is particularly important to evaluate natural frequencies and natural modes of the structure of bolted joints to avoid the failures of the structure due to the resonance. Vibration characteristics of bolted structures are closely connected to surface roughness of contact interfaces, the magnitude of pretension of the bolts and the number of clamping bolts. In this paper, the effect of the factors above on the natural frequencies of bolted structures is systematically investigated by experiments. Chen, the finite element method is applied to analyze the effect. is validated by experimental measurements of the natural frequencies.
1    这天,我刚到城里,表哥就拉着我去游泳。同去的还有个比他矮一寸比、我高半个头的小胖子。表哥说这是他的同学丁长河,是地地道道的“旱鸭子”。表哥要我协助他教长河游泳。  当教练是好事,既过瘾又神气,何况是教一个年龄比我大的!我乐意地接受了任务。长河却不十分情愿。他勉勉强强跟到了江湾泳场,扭扭捏捏不肯脱衣服下水。表哥说:“小丁你再这么怕死,我可要建议班上开除你男籍了!”  我说,在我们乡下,不会
那时我上幼儿园中班,是一个“无恶不作”的小捣蛋鬼。可是老师不知看中了我哪个优点,竟然选我当学校“六一”联欢会的主持人!我 At that time I was in kindergarten class,