大搞喷灌 加速旱地水利化

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在去年省委召开的五千人大会上,我州确定了近期农田基本建设的主攻方向是:水土结合,以水为主,小型为主,喷灌为主,建池为主。就是说:在水土结合的农田基本建设中,目前要以治水为主,小型水利为主,在搞小型水利中,以搞喷灌为主,在搞喷灌中以建蓄水池为主。在实践中逐步明确主攻方向毛主席教导我们:要按照实际情况,确定工作方针。我州三分之二的社队地处山区半山区。总耕地中旱地占一半多。虽然全州有效灌溉面积比解放初期增长六倍,而山区水利化程度只有百分之二十多,粮食平均亩产不过四百斤,大部分面积还是靠天吃饭,亩产一二百斤。这说明:不解决占耕地面积一半多的旱地水利化问题,全州就不可 At last year’s five thousand people’s congress held by the provincial party committee, our country identified the main direction of recent farmland infrastructures as follows: water and soil combination, with water as the main, small as the main, sprinkler as the main and pool as the main. In other words, in the basic farmland construction combining water and soil, we should mainly treat water mainly and small-scale water conservancy projects. In small-scale water conservancy projects, we should mainly engage in sprinkler irrigation. Gradually clarify the main direction of practice in practice Chairman Mao taught us: according to the actual situation, determine the working principle. Two-thirds of the community’s communes are located in the mid-mountain area. The total arable land in dry land accounted for more than half. Although the effective irrigated area in the whole state increased by six times than that in the early days of liberation, while the degree of water conservancy in mountainous areas was only over 20%, the average yield per mu of grain was only 400 kilograms. Most of the area was still dependent on the weather for eating one or two hundred jin per mu. This shows that if we do not solve the problem of water conservancy in dry land that accounts for more than half of the arable land, the whole state can not
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马克思主义哲学是时代精神的精华 ,是科学的世界观和方法论 ,在人类进入 2 1世纪之际 ,其面临着新的挑战。面对人类社会全面而深刻的社会变革的严峻现实 ,马克思主义哲学需要
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耕整地机械1.半悬挂重型五铧犁(1LDB—535型) 吉林延边农机厂试制,吉林省机械局于1975年12月鉴定,可定型生产。适用于北方土壤比阻为0.5~0.9公斤/厘米~2的旱作熟地耕翻作业。