加拿大蒙特利尔消息:墨西哥医师移植胎儿脑及肾上腺组织治疗2名帕金森氏病患者的报道,促使加拿大医师也准备应用这一手术。 Mc Gill大学神经病学副教授Serge Gauthier说,在帕金森氏病的治疗中,该疗法是令人兴奋的。他尚未见到发表在《New E-ngl J Med》杂志上的墨西哥报道。但在一次记者招待会上说,如果他的研究组对手术的准确性及其结果满意,他们将对此手术加以改进后移植胎儿脑组织。
MONTREAL, CANADA: The reports of two physicians in Mexico on the transplantation of fetal brain and adrenal tissue to treat two patients with Parkinson’s disease prompted the Canadian physician to prepare for the operation. Serge Gauthier, an associate professor of neurology at Mc Gill University, says the treatment is exciting in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. He has not yet seen the Mexican press published in New E-ngl J Med. However, at a press conference, they said that if his team was satisfied with the accuracy of the surgery and its results, they would improve the procedure and transplant the fetal brain tissue.