
来源 :中学政治教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xcumuhe
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思想品德课程为青少年成长奠定基础,促进初中学生道德品质、健康心理、法律意识和公民意识进一步发展,形成乐观向上的生活态度,逐步树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观。相比具体的知识和能力目标,塑造人格、提升素养对学生更具价值,是思想品德教学应追求的深层目标。深层目标缺失对思想品德课的危害不言而喻。所以,教学设计要努力追求深层目标。最好的教学设计是将情感态度价值观的培养、知识的学习、能力的提高与思想方法、思维方式的掌握融为一体。○课标定位课标规定了课程性质、目标、内容及实施建议,是课堂教学的指南,是教学设计的首要依据。 Ideological and moral courses lay the foundation for the growth of young people, promote the further development of moral character, healthy psychology, legal awareness and civic awareness among junior high school students, form an optimistic attitude to life, and gradually establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values. Compared with the specific goals of knowledge and ability, to shape personality and improve literacy is more valuable to students, which is the deep goal that ideological and moral education should pursue. It is self-evident that the harm of ideological and moral lessons due to the lack of deep goals. Therefore, teaching design should strive to pursue deep goals. The best instructional design is to integrate the cultivation of values ​​of emotional attitudes, the study of knowledge, the improvement of abilities and the mastery of ways of thinking and thinking. ○ Curriculum positioning Curriculum standard specifies the nature of the course, objectives, content and implementation recommendations, is a guide to classroom teaching, teaching and design is the primary basis.
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我的浪漫史可不是一般的浪漫,我和我太太是我问路时第一次见面的。 My romance is not romantic. My wife and I met for the first time when I was asking.
Non-selective beta blockers(NSBB) are commonly used to prevent portal hypertensive bleeding in cirrhotics.Nevertheless, in the last years, the use of NSBB in cr
本文主要介绍了用短脉冲氙灯作光源的土工离心模拟试验闪光高速摄影装置的原理、方法及结果。 测量高速运动中试验模型在离心力的作用下的形变便能确定原型的应力、应变条件