British Tourists' Views on English Menus in Chinese Restaurants and their Implication for Menu

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This paper employs a questionnaire to investigate whether tourists to China find the menus in Chinese restaurants satisfactory and what might hinder their understanding of the menus. The findings based on the questionnaire responses suggest that tourists pay more attention to dish descriptions than dish names and lack of description tend to pose the greatest difficulty in their choice-making process. It is also found that diners will not be bothered by occasional appearance of foreign languages and expect to see some highly technical words on the menu. Therefore, menu translations should attach more importance to descriptions and could sometimes resort to Pinyin, a phonetic transcription system for Chinese characters, to solve the non-translatability of some terms. This paper employs a questionnaire to investigate whether tourists to China find the menus in Chinese restaurants satisfactory and what might hinder their understanding of the menus. description tend to pose the greatest difficulty in their choice-making process. It is also found that diners will not be bothered by occasional appearance of foreign languages ​​and expect to see some highly technical words on the menu. Therefore, menu translations should attach more importance to descriptions and could sometimes resort to Pinyin, a phonetic transcription system for Chinese characters, to solve the non-translatability of some terms.
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受SARS疫情影响,原定于2003年6月在中国苏州举行的第27届世界遗产大会改在法国巴黎举行,中国失去了第一次主办该项国际会议的机会。 近年来,一方面中国新的世界遗产地不断增
为更好地激发学生的学习兴趣,多模态化的教学模式不仅能够满足社会发展而且更有益于大学生多元识读和英语综合应用能力的培养。 In order to arouse students’ interest in