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根据清末报纸登载的关于纸烟的报道,并结合晚清士人回忆录以及公开出版的史料,对清末吸食纸烟风气盛行的原因进行探析。清末吸食纸烟风气盛行的原因错综复杂,但主要有以下几个方面:从纸烟本身来看,纸烟吸食方式简便,花费廉价,气味平和且散发香气;从纸烟广告来看,纸烟广告形式多样,其宣传网络遍布全国各地;从社会风气来看,清末盲目崇洋的消费观念盛行,披有西化、文明外衣的纸烟契合了这种消费观念;从时机来看,清末禁烟运动的开展和严厉推行使中国烟草市场出现一个空白区,而纸烟作为鸦片的合法替代品顺势填补了这个空白区。在上述因素的交织作用下,清末吸食纸烟风气迅速弥漫全国,中国成为纸烟吸食大国。 According to the newspaper published in the late Qing Dynasty on the reports of cigarettes, combined with late Qing Scholar memoir and published historical data, to explore the reasons for the prevalence of tobacco smoking in the late Qing Dynasty. The reasons for the prevalence of smoking cigarettes in the late Qing Dynasty are very complicated. However, there are mainly the following aspects: From the perspective of the cigarettes themselves, smoking cigarettes are simple and inexpensive, with a gentle smell and aroma; from cigarette advertisements, cigarettes advertisements in various forms and their propaganda From the point of view of opportunity, the campaign to ban the smoking ban in the late Qing Dynasty and the severe implementation of the policy of making China Tobacco A blank area appears in the market, and cigarette as a legitimate substitute for opium fills the void. In the intertwined effect of the above factors, the atmosphere of smoking cigarettes in the late Qing Dynasty quickly spread all over the country, making China a big smoking country for cigarettes.
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分析了门座式起重机行走机所采用的SEW减速箱漏油现象,介绍了技术改造的方案,取得了较好的效果。 The phenomenon of oil leakage of SEW gearbox used in portal crane was
文章调查统计天一阁藏和刻本的数量,分经史子集四部叙录要籍,考证一些和刻本的版本来源,揭示天一阁馆藏稀见文献。 The article investigates and counts the number of col