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凡是从事文学工作的人们都非常熟悉英国小说家爱德华·摩根·福斯特(Edward Morgan Forster,1879—1970)的名著《小说面面观》,该书问世以来,为世界各国的文学工作者推崇倍至,对各国的文学创作有着不可估量的影响,对我国也不例外。我国对该书的翻译和介绍工作起步较晚,第一个译本出自台湾,由李文彬先生译出,于1973年9月出版于台湾的志文出版社。1981年7月,广东花城出版社出版了另一种译本,未署译者姓名,仅在书后的扉页下方注有“内部发行”四字。1984年12月,花城出版社又出版了苏炳文的译本,发行量为八万一千册。87年7月,花城出版社再次出版了该书的译本,扉页上注明的是“苏炳文译,黄锡祥校”。可见这几种译本已在我国的文学工作中广泛流传,这是一个方面。另一个方面,对这样重要的一部具有巨大的指导意义的作品的翻泽工作,如不抱着绝对负责,一丝不苟的态度,势必造成谬种流传,贻误后学,不仅会使文艺工作受 All those who are engaged in literary work are very familiar with the British novelist Edward Morgan Forster (Edward Morgan Forster, 1879-1970), the famous novel “Aspects of the novel”, the book came into being, respected for literary workers in various countries around the world , Have an immeasurable impact on literary creation in various countries and are no exception to our country. My work on translation and introduction of this book started quite late. The first translation was from Taiwan and translated by Mr. Li Wenbin. It was published in Chiwan Publishing House in Taiwan in September 1973. In July 1981, another translation was published by Huacheng Publishing House in Guangdong Province. The name of the translator was not yet published. Only the words “internal distribution” were given under the title page of the book. In December 1984, Huacheng Publishing House published another edition of Su Bingwen with a circulation of 81,000 copies. July 1987, Huacheng Publishing House again published a translation of the book, the title page marked “Su Bingwen translation, Huang Xixiang school.” It can be seen that these versions have been widely circulated in our literary work. This is an aspect. On the other hand, if one does not hold an absolutely responsible and meticulous attitude toward such an important piece of work of great guiding significance, it will inevitably result in the spread of absurdity and delaying the after-school study, which will not only make the work of literature and art impaired
左」大}前后都是泉,I、嘴仓2上左门汉匕气空欢喜门,气,山三.二像看蕊,六 忆赢{砂一’妓,。︸。上声盈,.百叮.高马得人物画作品 Left big} before and after the spring, I, mo
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