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江阔岸平,风正帆悬。当前,浦东新区方方面面正在谋划“十一五”发展及开局工作。如何站在新的历史起点上,开创浦东“十一五”发展的新局面,不仅关系到今后五年浦东的发展,更关系到开发开放浦东这一国家战略的进一步落实。中共浦东新区区委一届七次全会全体会议和最近召开的新区两会,明确了“十一五”浦东在更高起点上实现快速发展的总体要求,贯彻落实好这次全会精 River wide shore, the wind is hanging sail. At present, Pudong New Area is planning “Eleventh Five-Year” development and opening work in all aspects. How to stand on a new historical starting point and create a new situation in Pudong’s 11th Five-Year Plan is not only related to the development of Pudong in the next five years, but also to the further implementation of the national strategy of developing and opening up Pudong. Plenary Session of the Plenary Session of the Plenary Session of the Plenary Session of the Plenary Session of the Plenary Session of the Plenary Session of the Seventh Plenary Session of the Plenary Session of the Plenary Session of the Plenary Session of the Pudong New Area and the recently held two sessions of the new district clearly defined the overall requirements of Pudong to achieve rapid development at a higher starting point and implemented the Plenary Session
A devastating slip swallows 99 villagers in southwest China Rescuers recovered eight bodies from the ruins of a southwest China village,two days after arain-tri
过去25年年均增速28%、中国经济发展奇迹的代表,在许多惯于“速度论英雄”的人眼中,深圳“十一五”起步却似乎“步履迟缓”了。 The average annual growth rate of 28 year
上周读了一篇文章《天上那些事》。这篇文章深深地触动了我,让我明白了,不要错过生活中的美景,要享受生活,倾听心灵的感受。  在老北京那些岁月里,无论走在大街小巷,还是待在庭院里,总能听到两种令人魂牵梦萦的声音:鸽哨和空竹。尤其是鸽哨,在那个年代,几乎每条胡同上空都有一群鸽子在飞翔。那悠扬的鸽哨,时强时弱,忽远忽近,亦高亦低,如梦如魂,清越绵长。  如今没有鸽群了,天空寂寞了,没有什么能把人们的目光吸
故障现象 :一辆行驶了3万km的普通桑塔纳轿车 ,在一次行驶过程中发动机出现异响 ,驾驶员及时停车检查 ,发现响声来自发动机后侧 ,遂将车拖至我部进行修理。故障判断与排除 :