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国务院总理温家宝1月11日主持召开国务院常务会议,研究部署进一步加强质量工作。会议认为,改革开放以来,我国主要产业整体素质和企业质量管理水平有较大提高,产品质量、工程质量和服务质量明显提升。一批国家重大工程质量达到国际先进水平,商贸、旅游、金融、物流等现代服务业服务质量明显改善,覆盖一二三产业及社会事业领域的标准体系初步形成。但是,我国质量水平的提高仍然滞后于经济发展,产品、工程等质量问题造成的经济损失、环境污染、资源浪费仍然比较严重,质量安全特别是食品安全事故时有发生。一些生产经营者质量诚信缺失,肆意制售假冒伪劣产品,破坏市场秩序和社会公正,危害人民群众生命健康安全,损害国家信誉和形象。 On January 11, Premier Wen Jiabao chaired a State Council executive meeting to study and deploy the work to further strengthen quality work. The meeting held: Since the reform and opening up, the overall quality of major industries and the quality management of enterprises in our country have been greatly improved, and the product quality, project quality and service quality have been significantly raised. The quality of a number of major national projects has reached the international advanced level, and the service quality of modern service industries such as commerce and trade, tourism, finance and logistics has been remarkably improved. The standard system covering the fields of 123 and industry and social undertakings has taken initial shape. However, the improvement of our country’s quality level still lags behind the economic losses caused by economic development, product quality and engineering quality problems. Environmental pollution and waste of resources are still serious. Quality and safety, especially food safety accidents, have occurred from time to time. Some producers and operators lack credibility in quality, wantonly manufacture and sell counterfeit and shoddy products, destroy market order and social justice, endanger the health and safety of people’s lives, and undermine the country’s reputation and image.
本文建立了血竭药材中血竭素的测定方法,采用Agilent TC-C18柱,以乙腈-0.05mol/LKH2PO4(0.1%H3PO4水溶液)=40∶60;流速:1.0mL/min;检测浓度:440nm和270nm,回收率为96.25%~100
Rice grows in flooded paddy fields and takes up ammonium as the preferred nitrogen (N) source. Ammonium uptake is facilitated by a family of integral membrane p