从历代中央政府的修志命令看 《地方志工作条例》的继承与创新

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作者用比较方法对2000多年我国中央政府的修志命令,包括封建社会的诏令,民国政府的《训令》、《概要》、《办法》,中华人民共和国20世纪50年代至首轮修志国务院的《通知》、中指组的《规定》,再至新近由国务院颁布的《地方志工作条例》进行分析,认为相互间具有继承与创新的关系,这种继承创新包括文化传承与社会管理两个方面。认为封建社会中央政府的修志命令开创了官修的先河,确立了方志在中国历史文化中的地位,初步建立了中央政府对地方修志较为松散的管理。民国年间中央政府的修志命令,使地方志管理进一步系统和规范,增加了方志的科学性和实用性。中华人民共和国成立后,20世纪50年代至90年代的国务院《通知》和中指组《规定》,仍属行政命令和准行政命令组织修志,自90年代后期开始已逐渐难以适应市场经济的社会机制。作者认为《地方志工作条例》是方志编纂里程碑式的文件,由原来的依靠行政命令组织修志转入依法修志的历史新阶段。 The author compares the imperial edict of the Central Government of our country for more than 2000 years, including the imperial edict of the feudal society, the “Instructions”, the “Outline” and the “Measures” of the Republic of China Government, the “Regulations” of the Republic of China from the 1950s to the “ Notice ”and“ Middle Finger ”, and then to the“ Local Records Working Regulations ”promulgated by the State Council recently. They consider that there is a relationship of inheritance and innovation with each other. Such inheritance and innovation include two aspects: cultural heritage and social management. It is considered that the imperial edict of the feudal social central government initiated the precedent of official cultivation, established the position of local chronicles in Chinese history and culture, and initially established the central government’s relatively loose management of local revision. During the years of the Republic of China, the orders of the Central Government for the revision of the imperialism made the management of local records more systematic and standardized, increasing the scientificness and practicability of local records. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the “Notice” of the State Council and the “Regulations” of the middle finger group from the 1950s to the 1990s were still classified as administrative orders and quasi-administrative orders. Since the late 1990s, social organizations that have gradually become difficult to adapt to the market economy . The author believes that the Local Work Regulations are the milestone documents compiled by local chronicles, from the original relying on administrative order to organize the revision of the history into a new historical stage in accordance with the law.