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直面真相所带来的痛感帮助人们跳出舒适区,真正采取行动迎接未来的挑战。《难以忽视的真相》(A n Inconvenient Truth)注定是一部与众不同的电影作为一部环保题材的纪录长片,主角却是一个接近权力顶端的政治家——美国曾经的副总统戈尔,也就是那个当年在与小布什的竞选中以5票之差与总统擦肩而过的人。在人们的传统意识中,政治是一个与环保有着相当距离的领域。与环境因素相比,政治家们考虑更多的是经济发展、外交关系和社会民生。但这部影片却颠覆了大众的印象。如果说影片主角的选取、视 The pain of facing the truth helps people jump out of the comfort zone and really take action to meet the challenges of the future. A n Inconvenient Truth is destined to be a distinctive film as a feature film documentary on protagonists whose protagonist is a politician near the top of power - former US vice president Gore , The same person who passed the president with a 5-vote difference in his campaign with George W. Bush. In the traditional consciousness of people, politics is a very distant area from environmental protection. Compared with environmental factors, politicians think more about economic development, diplomatic relations and social livelihood. However, this video has subverted the public’s impression. If the film’s protagonist of choice, depending on
Chemical warfare agents(CWAs) are recognized as serious threats of terrorist acts against the civilian population.Minimizing the impact of these threats require
岩性预测是开发岩性油藏的基础,本文介绍了以地震反射波波形畸变特征为主要依据,利用地震、地质相结合的方法,在进行小型条带状河道砂岩储层研究方面的经验和效果。 Lithologic
Simulation and experimental results for high repetition rate all-normal dispersion Yb:fiber ring lasers are demonstrated for the cavity dispersion from 0.01 to
这是一个带有可装4蛊司(约153克)机油样品瓶的、型号为1987“Gold Crown”的固体黄铜手动泵。它适宜于载货车、公共汽车、小客车和飞机等发动机以及固定式发动机的油料,作周