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山东省莱州市农民玉米育种家李登海,1988年选育出株型紧凑、抗病抗倒、穗大粒多的掖单13号玉米优良品种,当年创亩产1008.8公斤,1989年亩产1096公斤。1990年气候条件不利,玉米生长前期阴雨连绵,又遭风雹,使苗期叶片碎裂,植株倒伏,造成株形不齐,小穗增加。尽管如此,掖单13号玉米仍表现出很强的适应性和增产性,亩产达到956.86公斤,保持了连续多年的高产纪录。 Li Denghai, a farmer corn breeder in Laizhou City, Shandong Province, bred an excellent variety of Yedan No.13 maize with compact plant type, disease-resistant and anti-spike, large spike and large grain in 1988, with a yield of 1008.8 kg mu and a production of 1096 kg mu in 1989. In 1990, the weather was unfavorable, the rainy and rainy maize grew earlier and the hail was hated again. The leaves were fragmented at the seedling stage and the plants lodged. As a result, the plants became irregular and the spikelets increased. Nevertheless, YEDA No. 13 corn still showed strong adaptability and yield, with a yield of 956.86 kg per mu, maintaining a record high yield for many years.
Four tomato accessions, namely Ac 238, Roma, Seijima Jeisei and Varushanadu Local selected from preliminary screening of 321 accessions and their hybrid derivat
Chlorfenapyr, an insecticidal pyrrole, was applied to concrete arenas at concentrations of 1.1, 0.825, 0.55, and 0.275 g of active ingredient [AI]/m2. Adult Tri