DIY(DO IY YOURSELF)一词在当前电脑界非常流行,也就是“自己亲手组装”的意思。素有“武器之王”的核武器也能自己亲手独立设计吗?这一问题在40年前就一直困扰着世界核大国的领导人。如果独立团体或个人利用公开资料能够设计出核武器,核武器的技术门坎将不复存在,核大国拥有的核武器优势也就烟消云散。这将直接影响到国际安全,以及核大国对核武器及核能和平利用的态度。为此,美国进行了一项名为“第N国核武器”的试验。这一试验结果直接影响了美国冷战时期对核技术的态
The word DO IY YOURSELF is very popular in the current computer world, which is what it means to “assemble it yourself.” Can the nuclear weapons known as the “King of Weapons” be independently designed by themselves? The question has plagued the leaders of the world’s nuclear powers 40 years ago. If independent groups or individuals can make use of public information to design nuclear weapons, the technical threshold of nuclear weapons will cease to exist and the advantages of nuclear weapons owned by the nuclear powers will also be dissipated. This will directly affect international security and the attitude of the nuclear powers in the peaceful use of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy. To this end, the United States conducted a test entitled “Nuclear Power N-States.” This test result has a direct impact on the state of nuclear technology in the U.S. Cold War