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岁月的沧桑锈蚀在金属艺术品上浮起层层斑驳,然而金属材质以它天然的无可比拟的坚固性,永恒地保留下了人类驾驭自然、改造自然的能力和创造艺术美的才华.考古证明,远在公元前1万年左右,世界上已开始了使用自然铜制作装饰品的历史.公元前4千年左右又出现了黄金制品,古埃及人的黄金饰品和大型的“王棺”,古波斯人的“金杯”和錾花“银壶”,古希腊人的青铜雕像,非洲伊费和贝宁人的青铜头像,南美洲印第安人的黄金制品,中国殷商时期的青铜艺术和大唐的金银工艺……等等,不同地域、不同文化背景中的不同民族,以各有侧重或突出的工艺技艺,创作了风格迥异、绚丽多彩的金属艺术精品.在钢、铁和合金为代表的现代工业社会,金工艺术更显得天独厚,前所未有地发挥出巨大的潜能.其日新月异的发展,成为现代艺术中的一大主流材质. Years of vicissitudes of rust on the metal art floating layers of mottled, but its unparalleled metal with its inherent rugged, eternal human beings to control the natural ability to transform nature and create artistic beauty of the archaeological evidence, As far back as 10,000 years BC, the world has begun the history of using natural copper to make ornaments.About 4,000 BC, gold products, ancient Egyptian gold ornaments and large-scale " The Golden Cup and the Pot of Silver Flower, the ancient bronze statues of the Greeks, the bronze portraits of the Ife and Benin peoples of Africa, the gold products of the South American Indians, the bronze art of the Shang dynasty in China, Gold and silver craft ... ... and so on, in different regions and different cultural backgrounds in different ethnic groups, with their emphasis on or outstanding craftsmanship, created a different style, colorful metal art boutique in the steel, iron and alloy as the representative In modern industrial society, the art of goldsmithing is even more unique and has exerted unprecedented potential, and its rapid development has become a major material in modern art.
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  Distillation plays an important role in chemical process industries and consumes a considerable amount of energy with an estimated 3% of the world’s energy
  Hell will be showed two examples of moment-angle complices over solid torus,which has a nice corner structure.
享誉世界的敦煌学专家、中国油画艺 术的开拓者、著名艺术教育家常书鸿先生,一生执着于 艺术,为保护敦煌文物、弘扬祖国文化而奋斗不息。通 过常先生自传体回忆录《九十春秋─
  The present work aims at studying the nonlinear breakup mechanism for Taylor bubble in a T-junction with a square cross-section of 400×400 μm by using a h