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成都国防乐园被誉为全国最大的军事游乐园,号称第二大“军事博物馆”。占地550亩,投资逾2亿元。园内全面展示了我国陆、海、空、二炮、航空航天等军兵种的武器装备和高尖端技术,气势恢宏,点缀其间的和平广场、军港码头、航母宾馆、汇灵飞瀑、石桥镜湖、休闲茶庄等诸多景点,浑然天成,神趣百生。形成了集国防科教、军事娱乐、体育健身、会务住宿、餐饮娱乐、旅游度假为一体的大型旅游胜地,堪称为成都市郊最大最靓的天然氧吗。目前,吸引了越来越多的游客,取得了良好的社会效益和经营效益。 然而,国防乐园所走过的历程却不尽如人意,经营大多处于十分低迷的状态。企业运作机械死板,缺乏活力,不具备市场竞争力。他们是如何扭转这一不利局面的?国防乐园管理公司常务副总康睿道破了玄机:按市场经济规律运作,倾力打造企业核心竞争力。 核心技术——原动力 Chengdu National Defense Park is honored as the largest military amusement park in the country and is known as the second largest “military museum.” An area of ​​550 acres, more than 200 million yuan investment. The park fully displays the weapons and equipment and cutting-edge technologies of China's armed forces such as land, sea, air, the second artillery, and aerospace. It boasts magnificent scenery and peaceful plazas, wharf docks, aircraft carrier hotels, Huiling waterfalls and stone bridges Mirror Lake, leisure Chazhuang and many other attractions, totally natural, fascinating students. Formed a set of national defense science and education, military entertainment, sports fitness, conference accommodation, dining and entertainment, travel and vacation as one of the major tourist destination, called the suburbs of Chengdu, the largest and most beautiful natural oxygen it. At present, it attracts more and more tourists and has achieved good social and operational benefits. However, the journey through the National Defense Park is not satisfactory, and most of the operations are in a very sluggish state. Business operation rigid, lack of vitality, do not have the market competitiveness. How did they reverse this unfavorable situation? Kang Ruiru, executive vice president of the National Defense Park Management Company, broke the trick: operating in accordance with the laws of the market economy and endeavoring to build the core competitiveness of the enterprise. The core technology - the driving force
综述了水果和蔬菜的生物力学.简要叙述了收获、加工、贮藏、包装和运输过程中产生力学损伤的来源. 对农产品装卸和运输的环境作了概述,进而介绍了包括卡车、火车、船舶、运货
在适当的时候主动出让企业控股权实际上是 企业家走向成熟的标志 At the right time to take the initiative to sell corporate ownership is actually a sign of the entr
一、准备活动 1.初步商定节目种类 (1)让大班幼儿结合经验,谈一谈演出的节目有些什么类型,自己想表演什么节目。 (2)幼儿根据讨论所选出的节目,自主结伴。教师巡回观察,并将
作为校长,在新课程改革过程中,要提升自身的素养,走专业化发展的道路,要尊重、宽容、赏识教师,为教师服务。要营造浓厚的教研文化,提升学校竞争力。 As principals, in the